The Tuesday news, all in one big post:
GOG has a Square Enix Summer Sale, with up to 89% discounts during 3 days:
Steam has one new sale, as well as a new range of weeklong deals:
The Humble Store has three new sales:
Fanatical has three new deals:
Here are some 2D games running on the fpPS4 Playstation 4 emulator
YouTube’s ‘John GodGames Emus’ has shared a video, showcasing some 2D games running on the fpPS4 Playstation 4 emulator. Now for those wondering, fpPS4 is currently in a very early development stage. Thus, do not expect to be playing the latest triple-A PS4 games on your PC via emulation anytime soon.
As we’ve already reported, fpPS4 is the fourth Playstation 4 emulator that is currently in development. The other three are Kyty, Spine and GPCS4.
New screenshots for the DLC-sized mod for Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls Archthrones
The team behind Dark Souls Archthrones has released a new set of screenshots from it. Dark Souls Archthrones is a DLC-sized mod for Dark Souls 3, featuring an alternate story and five unique worlds.
In Dark Souls Archthrones, players will be able to access its five worlds via the Nexus of Embers. Players will encounter numerous bosses, and they will also be able to find some allies. Additionally, the mod will have a reimagined version of Lothric and other Dark Souls locales.
Battlefield 1942 gets a High-Definition Remaster Graphics Overhaul Mod
Now here is something that passed under my radar. Earlier this year, modder ‘ScureHD’ released a new version of the High-Definition Remaster Graphics Overhaul Mod for Battlefield 1942.
This graphics overhaul mod aims to improve the game’s graphics by using higher resolution textures, higher render distance, better LOD quality, as well as reflection and specular light tweaks.
Its latest version increases view and render distance, as well as LOD quality. Moreover, it packs some new models and objects on most maps.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Mission Maker V1.5 available for download
HorusPublishingGTA has announced that Mission Maker V1.5 for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is available for download. As its title suggests, Mission Maker allows you to create your own missions in San Andreas, featuring a user-friendly interface, great features and stability.
According to the dev team, version 1.5 fixes some collision issues, as well as some crashes. Moreover, it changes the design of the mission loader, and adds 20 new skins. It also adds support for external scripts, and adds a storyline mode. In storyline, you can now select new tasks to complete in order to start a storyline mission.
Cyberpunk 2077 mod lets you build a small robot army to melt through Night City's goons
CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 now sits in a more comfortable, and certainly more stable, state than it did in the early part of its life. The developer has continued to work assiduously at smoothing out troublesome elements of the game and adding numerous quality-of-life features, which was probably the right thing to focus on, but it has left a big gap in content for a game that, lest we forget, was at one point supposed to have multiplayer by now.
The modding scene has taken to the game with some verve, and it's there that you find the stuff which has begun fleshing out Night City in more interesting ways. One example is the recent Drone Companions mod, created by Scissors, which adds a new type of operating system to the game called a Techdeck. Equipping this lets the player craft drones, androids and mechs, and you can have up to four at once.
Drones exist in Cyberpunk 2077 but you only got to control them in one story mission, so this is a substantial change and comes with some level of depth. The TechDeck has up to three slots for modular upgrades, and there are eight different models of varying quality (unlocked according to your technical ability stat), and in terms of the crafting itself you buy drone recipes at weapon vendors.
Sorry, Halo Infinite's campaign co-op beta isn't starting today after all
The Halo Infinite co-op beta test that was expected to kick off today has been pushed back at the last minute. 343 Industries community director Brian Jarrard announced the pause on Twitter, saying that the studio ran into some problems it needs to address before the beta goes live, but still hopes to get the action started later this week.
A singleplayer Apex Legends shooter is in development at Respawn
Multiple new job listings have revealed that Respawn Entertainment is in the early stages of development on a new singleplayer shooter based on Apex Legends.
The job listings are for positions in something called the Apex Universe FPS Incubation Project. Details are understandably scarce, but a couple of the listings for artists describe the game as "a brand new Respawn singleplayer adventure."
Cancelled Doom 4 gameplay shared as part of 'game preservation mission'
Back in the days when Bethesda was still hyping up Rage's megatextures, id was working behind the scenes on a version of Doom 4 that looked a whole lot different than the successful reboot we eventually got in 2016. This Doom 4 took place on earth, prominently starred characters other than the recognizable Doom Slayer, and had the feel of a modern Call of Duty game. It was eventually canned in 2013 for, among many things, being too "Call of Doom".
Until Dawn and The Quarry developer acquired by Nordic media giant
Nordisk Games has acquired Supermassive Games, the development studio behind Until Dawn and The Dark Pictures Anthology. Nordisk had bought a 30.7% stake last year, but now owns Supermassive lock, stock and barrel.
Monument Valley 1 and 2 finally come to PC in re-imagined 'panoramic editions'
Haunting puzzlers Monument Valley 1 and 2 finally release on PC today. The two games have been "reimagined from the ground up" and are now on Steam as polished-up 'panoramic editions', supporting ultra-wide aspect ratios and bundled with all previously released DLC.
Join us for an exclusive Company of Heroes 3 reveal today
Relic has been teasing a big announcement that it will reveal today, and if you've been watching the teaser stream you've probably already guessed that it's going to be about Company of Heroes 3.
At 6 pm BST/10 am PDT/1 pm EDT, we'll be taking an exclusive look at the WW2 RTS, sharing some big announcements, showing off new gameplay and chatting to the developers at Relic.
Valorant is testing a new way to detect smurfs
Valorant's 5.01 patch notes are pretty typical for agents, but perhaps game changing for ranked players. Riot Games is testing a new way to detect smurfs and bump them up to where they belong in the ranks, hopefully stopping them from pretending to be novices while farming low rank players.