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It's so weird to me, that in this time, MS and Sony are doing good on their PC focus, while Ubisoft, R* and others are just doing plain shit.

I Even heard that HotS is basically dead at this point (they will keep the lights going, but there will be no more balance changes or store additions anymore), so may as well add Blizzard to that list.

It's just amazing how a bunch of publishers manage to fuck things up around the same time, that it almost feels like they were all following the same route and doing the same sort of gig until it finally blew up in all their faces near enough the same time.

I haven't liked Ubisoft for years, especially when they sided with Epic, but this isn't going to remotely win me over anytime soon, and I don't see myself bothering with U(can't)play any time in the future either. It just means that Ubisoft is going to have the self made task of trying to win ppl like me over in the future, that much harder (Tbh I don't think they'll ever win me back, I'd rather see them sink to the bottom and fade out into obscurity).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.