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You guys should get Wolfenstein: The New Order it's good

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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Just dled, i'm gonna spend my sunday on this one...

Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade alpha footage reveals hot Rhino-on-Rhino action and jet packs


There really are quite a few Warhammer 40K games. Eternal Crusade, a shooty MMO, is one of them. It’s also quite early days for the Emperor’s finest. It’s doing the increasingly popular founders thing, so you can drop some cash now for some extra bells and whistles and early access. 

You might want to hold off for a wee while, though, because it seems to be very, very early alpha, judging from the deluge of alpha videos that Behaviour has posted.  

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The gods of Smite bless the weekend with bonus favor


What is the weekend for if not taking control of an ancient deity and punching, shooting and setting fire to other gods’ faces? There might as well not be a weekend if we can’t enjoy some god-on-god fisticufs. 

Conveniently, Smite - the F2P MOBA with brawling gods - is making sure you ignore any lovely summer weather this weekend by dragging you back indoors for its double favor weekend. 

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Tera gets carved up in Wounded World update on July 8th


On July 8th, Terra: Rising’s next update, Wounded World, will go live. A big ol’ rift has carved up the world, and within it, players will be able to get their hands on all the new content. Global catastrophes are an important part of any fantasy land’s economy, furnishing heroes with gold to spend and loot to sell.

The update brings with it four new dungeons and a bevy of bosses, gear and quests. The dungeon scenarios range from 1-player rescue missions to boss hunts with a party of 10. 

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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn 2.3 adds new dungeons, chocobo raising and one hell of a beard


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn’s 2.3 update, Defenders of Eorzea, is a big one, apparently requiring an 8 minute trailer. There does seem to be quite a lot to get through, including Chocobo rearing, new quests, a boss with the most magnificent beard ever conceived off by the human brain and a slew of new dungeons. 

Direct your eyes towards the trailer below. 

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Kerbal Space Program's first official mod celebrates the football world cup


Space agency simulator Kerbal Space Program has debuted its first official mod for the game, which is in the spirit of the ongoing football world cup. The mod includes various size soccer balls as well as flags for all 32 competing countries. Developers Squad have put up the mod for free via Curse and you can grab it today.

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Planetside 2 Hossin trailer shows off new swamp-like continent in action


It’s been in development for a long time, but Hossin is finally available for players to wage war over in Planetside 2. A swamp-like continent, players will be faced with natural barriers that will make traversing the terrain a challenge in itself.

We’ve got a trailer of Hossin in action below.

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See ESL One Frankfurt from the perspective of a professional Dota 2 player


Eight of the biggest Dota 2 teams have been battling this weekend at the Frankfurt stadium in Germany over an ever increasing $200,000 prize pool. With it being held in a football stadium, it’s not surprising that it’s the biggest eSport event ever held, with over 35,000 spectators.

One of the team members of Dota 2 team Alliance, Jonathan "Loda" Berg, took it upon himself to record the event from his perspective to show off the sheer scale of the event.

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Battlefield 4 patch will put an end to adamantium shield


Battlefield 4’s DLC, Dragon’s Teeth, brought with it EA’s very own version of Captain America’s adamantium shield. The ballistic shield could deflect bullets, sure, but it could also deflect armour-piercing tank shells and, with a single hit, kill other players. Battlefield’s next patch will see an end to that.

It’s not the only thing being changed. DICE have been looking at “how to decrease the feeling of getting killed when behind cover.” Hopefully they’ve managed this by preventing of you getting killed when behind cover. Just one of the reasons we put Battlefield 4 on trial for being a broken, bug-ridden mess.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition followers are scared of horses, won’t be sold as DLC


Mass Effect fans were less than pleased when AI companions were packaged off and sold as DLC, so there’s been a worry for a while that Bioware may do the same with Dragon Age: Inquisition. Mike Laidlaw, creative director for the game, put that fear to bed over the weekend but raised another.

Followers disappear at the sight of horses.

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Rebellion shoot down batch of stolen Sniper Elite 3 keys


Valve have revoked a set of Sniper Elite 3 Steam keys after they found out they were stolen from a retailer and sold onto other key-selling websites.

Rebellion have told those affected to contact the seller they bought the code from for a refund. While under no obligation to, Rebellion are also giving Sniper’s preorder bonuses to anyone who can prove they bought their stolen key before the game was released.

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@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Reborn: Dreamfall Chapters Split Into Five Episodes

By Nathan Grayson on June 30th, 2014 at 9:00 am.

Fun fact: when it was first conceived, Dreamfall Chapters was going to be an episodic series. Thus, the name Dreamfall Chapters. Before long, however, man of so many yarns that cats are magnetically drawn to his face, Ragnar Tornquist, decided the plot necessitated “one big meaty game with a fully story and a full conclusion.” Apparently, though, the game outgrew that model too, so now it’s back to episodic. I know, I know. Let Tornquist explain it below. It makes a lot more sense when he says it, that linguistic Viking demigod.

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Battlefield Hardlimes To Get Another Beta This Fall

By Nathan Grayson on June 30th, 2014 at 8:00 am.

Battlefield Hardlimes‘ surprise E3 beta is officially over and done with, or in military speak (that I have learned exclusively from videogames), Charlie Mike Oscar Bravo Rhinoceros Chimpanzee Overalls Tuba. Given how Battlefield 4‘s launch turned out, however, I’m quite glad to hear that another beta will be happening this fall. Maybe… maybe this one will finally launch in actual, factual ship shape?

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The Masterplan Announced

Former Disney developers have branched out to create the indie studio, Shark Punch. Their first entry is the 1970's-themed tactical heist game, The Masterplan.

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@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

It’s mega, man: Might No. 9 footage shows colourful boss battles


While Mega Man may be sat chained up in Capcom’s basement, running about in a hamster wheel that powers the lights in the marketing department, Koji Imaeda is hard at work on his spiritual successor to the series, Mighty No. 9.

The Kickstarter ended in October, 2013 and we’re starting to see some footage of the platformer in action.

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Steam scored more than 8m concurrent users over the weekend


I don’t know about you but I didn’t have 8 million people come over to my house and play games. Valve did. 

As this year’s Summer Sale drew to a close Steam broke a new milestone, having 8 million concurrent players. That’s a stupendous number.

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Age of Empires designers: “We used to get letters from schools”


When Ensemble shut its doors in 2009 it largely ended the life of the studio’s biggest franchise, Age of Empires. I recently spoke to some of the series’ key developers, now making Orcs Must Die Unchained, about the series, its Extended Edition afterlife, and the love their fans had for the game.

“I had two kids come in and start crying in the interview because their whole lives was Age of Empires. They were 18,” Jerome K. Jones recalls. “They got so emotional. Everything they could remember about being young was Age of Empires, it was bizarre.

“There’s a lot of Age fans out there.”

Not least the schools.

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Wildstar video details new content coming in Strain Ultradrop update


Wildstar’s not even a month old - Heck, Nick’s not even finished reviewing it yet - and Carbine are releasing it’s first big update for their MMO: the Strain Ultradrop.

We garnered a few details about the update from the original trailer but we’ve learned a lot more from the new Devspeak video.

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Rust update lets you dress up other players when they aren't looking


Another update hit Rust’s experimental branch at the start of the weekend. The new HTML UI is just getting some final touches, models are starting to look and move more like humans and less like monstrous automatons with skin grafts and new biomes, caves and tools have made their way in. 

None of that holds a candle to the ability to rob and dress-up other players.

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GameSpy fallout: Arma 2 Steam matchmaking now live


Arma 3 might be the new hotness, but that doesn’t mean Bohemia Interactive has forgotten about Arma 2. It provides a bunch of fixes and engine optimisation, but the main focus of the patch is the migration from GameSpy to Steam.

With GameSpy closing its doors, Arma 2 was one of the titles affected, relying on the platform for multiplayer matchmaking. But Bohemia Interactive have made the shift to Steam, and it’s fixing every version of the game.

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If at first you don't succeed: Mike Wilson on five years of Devolver, and a lifetime of publishing struggles


Devolver Digital just celebrated its fifth anniversary. In its short life, it’s arguably become the most famous indie game publishing label around, with smash hits like Dennaton’s Hotline Miami and Croteam’s Serious Sam: BFE to their credit, along with well-received darlings like Luftrausers, from Vlambeer.

But while Devolver is a young company, it’s actually the latest chapter in a long saga for longtime business partners and friends Mike Wilson, Harry Miller, and Rick Stults. It’s the “third time is the charm” company for the two men, who have been struggling to create a creators-first publisher since the late 1990s. With Devolver, they finally seem to have hit on something small, successful, and sustainable.

But first they had to fail. A lot. And in public.

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Divinity: Original Sin launched today, and I've been talking to cocks and setting the world on fire


After a slight delay, Divinity: Original Sin has now left Early Access and has officially launched. After not touching Larian’s tongue-in-cheek fantasy RPG since the days of alpha, I dived in the moment it left the land of pre-release behind. 

Since the review is a wee bit away, here’s some of what I’ve been getting up to as I take my first steps on the well-worn path of adventure.

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Goat Simulator's upcoming retail edition is motivated by comedy


With PC retail coughing up its lungs, only kept alive by life support, it is rather peculiar to see Coffee Stain’s joke prototype turned commercial game, Goat Simulator, get a retail release. But it’s happening, though only in North America. 

It’s being brought to stores next month after Dead Island and Metro publisher Deep Silver acquired distribution rights.

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Nuclear family: manage and protect a post-apocalyptic household in Sheltered


Surviving the end of the world, in a game, usually means there’s a combat-heavy journey ahead of you across irradiated wastes. Not so in Sheltered, Unicube’s management sim. The survivors in question are a family, and they are already safe (relatively) in their underground shelter. 

This is a game about keeping them that way. 

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Wind of Change: SOE adding weather to H1Z1 and PlanetSide 2


Auraxis, the location of PlanetSide 2’s global war, is a large, diverse globe - expanding still with the introduction of a new continent, Hossin. But it’s one where the weather never changes, unless you count drop pods raining down from above as a weather phenomenon. 

Weather effects have been teased by SOE since before launch, and it’s one of the things the team’s been wanting to add for a long time. Amid all the new content, it’s still not been forgotten, as CEO John Smedley revealed on Twitter earlier this evening.

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Jungling in the moonlight: Dota 2 gets weather and live rewind in post-Compendium update


When is an infinitely-large pot full? When it’s 10 million dollars deep, apparently. Valve have declared the Dota 2 International prize pool to be ‘overflowing’, and implemented some of its stretch rewards in-game.

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Levine talks BioShock Infinite's violence: "I wouldn't have known how to make a Mario"


One imagines Ken Levine has had more time than usual for reflection lately - on his former company, Irrational, and career in PC games. Easing that process along are journalists, who keep asking him reflective questions: namely about the skyhook-to-the-head violence on show in BioShock Infinite.

By way of an answer, Levine makes an astute point: while Infinite isn’t especially more violent than its predecessors, the debate about violence in games has matured like good cheese since the Shock games were first conceived.

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@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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EA CEO acknowledges Dungeon Keeper reboot struggled to "stay true to its essence"


Nobody was pleased with Mythic’s Dungeon Keeper remake. Old Bullfrog fans didn’t like its social game stylings; Peter Molyneux didn’t like its “ridiculous” demands on player time; and absolutely nobody liked feeling cheated by its in-app purchases.

After a critical pummelling and a few months’ distance, even EA CEO Andrew Wilson isn’t particularly keen.

“For new players, it was kind of a cool game,” he said. “For people who’d grown up playing Dungeon Keeper there was a disconnect there. In that aspect we didn't walk that line as well as we could have. And that’s a shame.”

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Say no to MMO: introducing Cube World's "more exploration-based" quest system


It’s hard to shake the feeling that Cube World lost a whole lot of momentum a couple of corners back. A year and a half ago, the voxelly action RPG seemed poised to become a DayZ or Terraria, buoyed by alpha sales and incremental updates. But its tiny team of two were rocked by DDoS attacks, and fell off the web entirely for long enough to worry even their most dedicated followers.

But they’ve pushed onward throughout, and alpha feedback has led to a brand new way of questing - free from WoW trappings and wholly Cube World’s own.

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Riot temporarily shut down public chat rooms for League of Legends; "They just don't work"


Riot Games have decided to close their official public chat rooms. They say the space now belongs to the worst element of the League of Legends community: RP sellers, scammers, and Elo-boost spammers.

In its place, they’re planning a redesigned ‘hangout’ system for specialised in-game communities: mentoring groups, champion theory-crafting channels, casual ARAM collectives and the like.

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Looking Glass founder working on spiritual sequel to Ultima Underworld: Ascension


The Underworld series is down one ‘Ultima’ prefix but up one sequel in Paul Neurath’s Underworld Ascension. The Looking Glass founder has built a new independent studio in Boston named OtherSide, and set to work on a new, unofficial entry in the “long fallow” series.

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Escape Dead Island is the spin-off nobody saw coming: a stealth-driven survival mystery


Whoever thought Dead Island would get so franchisey? Techland’s ambitious but flaky first-person Diablo has become a multi-limbed monster. There’s the servicable expandalone in Dead Island: Riptide; the unasked-for MOBA in Dead Island: Epidemic; the outsourced sequel in Yager’s Dead Island 2; and now the obligatory comic-vignette psychological stealth thriller in Escape Dead Island.

Er, hang on.

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Broken dreams: Dreamfall Chapters' first episode launches this autumn


It’s been eight years since Dreamfall: The Longest Journey was released, ending abruptly with a bit of a cliffhanger. But Red Thread Games’ resurrection of the adventure series, Dreamfall Chapters, is on the horizon. 

The first episode, Book One: Reborn, is due out this autumn. Take a look at the episode’s trailer below. 

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Garrett goes to Hollywood: A Thief movie is in the works from the makers of Hitman


Thief is the latest game franchise to be swallowed up by the Hollywood movie-making machine. Garrett’s adventures will be making their way to the big screen courtesy of Vertigo and Prime Universe. 

Despite the automatic cynicism that movie spin-offs inspire, there are plenty of elements in the venerable franchise that would be a joy to watch in the cinema. The City, especially, is something I’d very much like to see given life. 

Warning bells are already going off though. 

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Check out that bass: Dovetail Games Fishing announced


What’s the next evolutionary step for a developer known for its train simulators? There’s already a truck sim on the market, so maybe a cargo ship sim? Dovetail Games decided to leap instead of step, and the result is Dovetail Games Fishing. 

Using the Unreal Engine 4, former EA execs Rob O’Farrell and Chris Roberts (no, not that Chris Roberts) are at the tiller, promising “breath-taking detail” and leisurely or competitive angling. Oh yeah, and they’re aiming to expand into eSports. 

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Exclusive no more: Watch Dogs Deluxe Edition DLC available to everyone tomorrow


Ubisoft’s releasing a three-mission DLC for Watch Dogs tomorrow, if you’re not ready to bid near-future Chicago farewell. Accompanying the three missions, which will presumably be filled with stuff to hack and men to shoot, are a bunch of new guns and perks.

The Deluxe version of the game came with these missions, while season pass holders got access to the DLC last week. 

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@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Legena: Union Tides – 16Bit JRPG – Kickstarter Campaign Launched

Grandpa Pixel has launched a Kickstarter campaign for its upcoming JRPG title, Legena: Union Tides. Legena: Union Tides is described as a classic JRPG that features a traditional JRPG combat system with a dynamic turn system, a variety of characters, monsters and dungeons. Continue reading


Guild Wars 2 – Living World Season 2 Kicks Off Today

NCSOFT and ArenaNet today released “Gates of Maguuma”, the newest update to Guild Wars 2 and the premiere of the MMO game’s second season of Living World. In order to celebrate the release, NCSOFT has also released a new set of screenshots from this new update that can be viewed below. Continue reading


World of Diving – First Community-Driven Content Available

Vertigo Games today launches a community-driven content update for the Rift-enabled underwater exploration game World of Diving, which lets early access players explore the community co-created, Brony HMS Tranquility shipwreck dive site, equipped with the Rift or without. Continue reading


Kingdom Under Fire II – Open Beta Phase Launched

And this completely passed under our radar. Our reader ‘Amir’ has informed us about the launch of Kingdom Under Fire II’s open beta phase. PC gamers can head over to the official website, create a MPASS account (that’s of course if they don’t have one already), download the game’s client and start playing. Continue reading


SPINTIRES – 100K Copies Sold In Two Weeks, Incoming Free Updates & DLC

IMGN.PRO and Oovee Games Studio have announced that SPINTIRES’ total sales have reached and surpassed 100,000 units as of June 30th, 2014. According to the press release, it took only 18 days from the release day to reach the above mentioned, round number. And while this number may seem small to some of you, it’s quite big for an indie studio. Continue reading


@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Underworld news and Dreamfall trailer in one heart is too fragile for that...

InSomnia seems kinda rad

On a colossal spaceship,a character awakens from cryogenic sleep—unknowingly holding humanity’s last best hope in his bare hands. . . .

InSomnia is a Dieselpunk RPG that transports you to a retro-futuristic space station on a 400- year journey in search of a new home. 

Explore the world as a warrior—or hide in the shadows as an outcast. Perhaps you’ll be a charismatic leader—or maybe you’ll become an apex predator with bloodshot eyes and a thrill for the kill. Either way, you will have to muster the strength to survive in order to find out why mankind has embarked on such a risky journey through uncharted space. InSomnia offers an epic, non-linear storyline with many ‘points of no return’ (think of them as forks in the road) and deep, immersive gameplay. The fate of the space station’s many inhabitants will depend on your choices.

Join us in the metal corridors and crumbling machinery of InSomnia!


  • Platforms: PC, Mac, and Linux
  • Release date: Q4 2015 on PC. Mac and Linux to be determined.
  • Gameplay time: 15-20 hours main storyline & 20-30 hours of side quests (first season/year). More than 20 FREE chapters are planned after release, with 3-6 hours of gameplay each, to tell the whole tale.
  • Languages:French, German, English, Spanish, Polish, Russian,  Turkish

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Hellraid preview: dungeons, demons, and déjà vu

PC Gamer at 08:00 on 02 July 2014

Hellraid, Techland’s forthcoming first-person action title set in a dark fantasy world, boasts plenty of potentially interesting bullet points—2-4 player co-op, Story, Arena, and Mission modes, character customization, randomly-generated loot, and some RPG-flavored depth. Sadly, my hands-off demo barely scratched the surface of these promised features.

Warface, Crytek's free-to-play multiplayer FPS, launches on Steam

Andy Chalk at 08:48 on 02 July 2014

Warface, Crytek's free-to-play near-future military shooter, is by all reports a decent game, if not a particularly noteworthy one. It's done well in Russia, but has struggled to game traction in other parts of the world. Developer Crytek, which is rumored to be struggling with serious financial troubles, no doubt hopes that today's launch on Steam will turn the game's fortunes around.

Doom 4 showing at QuakeCon will be exclusive to attendees

Shaun Prescott at 12:28 on 02 July 2014

If you've been champing at the bit to see Doom 4, then you're probably excited for QuakeCon later this month. Last month's Doom 4 teaser trailer promised news out of the id Software event, but now we've learnt that it comes with a caveat: you have to actually be at QuakeCon. According to a new statement by publisher Bethesda, the convention's Doom 4 showing will be exclusive for attendees, meaning they don't intend to distribute any material on the internet.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer wants us to appreciate Kevin Spacey's face

Shaun Prescott at 13:52 on 02 July 2014

If you're a fan of Kevin Spacey, this video will please you. It features Kevin Spacey standing around looking morose in a motion capture studio for the blockbuster action video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Unfortunately the footage is brief, but thankfully it's on the internet so you can rewind.

Heroes of the Storm now has Australian servers

Shaun Prescott at 15:12 on 02 July 2014

Playing games online can be difficult in Australia. Not because we're bad at playing games (though some of us no doubt are), but because we live at the bottom of the world. Servers tend to be located in the Northern Hemisphere, or Japan if we're lucky, but if you're currently playing Heroes of the Storm you may have noticed you're getting a much lower ping than before. That's because Blizzard has launched a dedicated Australian server.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!