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JEMC said:
The framerate and other graphic problems of The Witcher 3 have me a little worried. Not that I think they won't fix it, but because I'm affraid that they have used a beast of a PC to show it, and if even that beast can't cope with it ...

But CD Projekt Red still has more than six months to polish it.

Also, Project Cars looks fabulous. I'm keeping an eye on it (even if I may end not getting it on PC). But I wonder how it plays. Anyone has a link to a hand-on impression of the game?

Games usually aren't really optimised until the last few months of development. And even if it was super optimised it's still going to need a beast of a machine to play it at max settings regardless. The level of detail, physics, animation and scale of the game is kinda insane for an open world RPG. A bit of stutter going into a city with hundreds of NPCs that all have individual routines (unlike say the Assassin's creed crowds) and react to the player, with no loading screen in an unoptimised build doesn't sound like a terribly bad sign for a game 8 months from release. Aparently Arkham Knight has performance issues (aparently better at E3 than the build they showed a couple months ago, but still noticible) and that game has a more limited scope while also running on monster PCs.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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zarx said:
JEMC said:
The framerate and other graphic problems of The Witcher 3 have me a little worried. Not that I think they won't fix it, but because I'm affraid that they have used a beast of a PC to show it, and if even that beast can't cope with it ...

But CD Projekt Red still has more than six months to polish it.

Also, Project Cars looks fabulous. I'm keeping an eye on it (even if I may end not getting it on PC). But I wonder how it plays. Anyone has a link to a hand-on impression of the game?

Games usually aren't really optimised until the last few months of development. And even if it was super optimised it's still going to need a beast of a machine to play it at max settings regardless. The level of detail, physics, animation and scale of the game is kinda insane for an open world RPG. A bit of stutter going into a city with hundreds of NPCs that all have individual routines (unlike say the Assassin's creed crowds) and react to the player, with no loading screen in an unoptimised build doesn't sound like a terribly bad sign for a game 8 months from release. Aparently Arkham Knight has performance issues (aparently better at E3 than the build they showed a couple months ago, but still noticible) and that game has a more limited scope while also running on monster PCs.

I know, I know.

It's just that I don't want another "fiasco" like what happened with Mass Effect (for very different reasons!). I don't want them to screw it up now after the excellent first games just because they have bitten more than they can chew.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

I know, I know.

It's just that I don't want another "fiasco" like what happened with Mass Effect (for very different reasons!). I don't want them to screw it up now after the excellent first games just because they have bitten more than they can chew.

Well they could alwayse do another Enhanced Edition like they did for the first two games lol.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

zarx said:
JEMC said:

I know, I know.

It's just that I don't want another "fiasco" like what happened with Mass Effect (for very different reasons!). I don't want them to screw it up now after the excellent first games just because they have bitten more than they can chew.

Well they could alwayse do another Enhanced Edition like they did for the first two games lol.

I'm already counting on that version.

With bug fixes, new inventory system (because, why not?) and extra content, of course.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.


There is a difference between 'horror' and 'survival horror', Evil Within creator insists


Semantics! So goes the old dismissal, but semantics can be everything. They seem pretty important to Resident Evil originator Shinji Mikami, who has spent his career trying to distinguish his style from some of his genre peers.

“In games in Japan, a typical horror game is something like Clock Tower or Silent Hill,” he explains. “But survival horror, the kind of game I like to create, is also entertainment. The horror aspect of the game and the entertainment aspect of the game have to mix together.”

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How The Division works as an MMO


It’s easy to forget that The Division isn’t just another open world game from Ubisoft, most of the publisher’s major franchises are - Far Cry, Assassin’s Creed, Watch Dogs. Instead, The Division is an MMO.

Ubisoft have dodged the tropes of the genre by setting their MMO in near-future New York instead of a generic fantasy world. But Ryan Barnard, the game’s director, makes clear “If you’ve played other MMOs or RPGs, the power curve, will be present in our game as well.”

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Alien: Isolation’s challenge mode shown off at E3


Sure, you’re trapped aboard a space station with an alien that can gut you with every one of its extremities (+ tongue) but that’s no reason to avoid taking part in a good old fashioned foot race. Creative Assembly have revealed Alien: Isolation’s challenge mode.

Just how quickly can you make it to the exit without being cut in two.

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Plaster-blaster: Rainbow Six: Siege’s "fully-procedural" destruction system explained


Rainbow Six: Siege has been the best surprise of E3 so far - and from a technical standpoint, the biggest surprise in its demo was the moment a counter-terrorist decided he needn't bother to lean around a bedroom wall. He could just punch bulletholes through it instead.

Five minutes of flying plaster later, the demo culminated in a multi-floor gym assault that saw ceiling and floors exploding inwards simultaneously. Breach and, a-thank-you, clear.

Here’s how it works.

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Dead Island 2: “Internally we call it the world’s smallest MMO”


“I didn’t realise when I first played Journey that the other people turning up in the game were other players,” Dead Island’s game director, Bernd Diemer, told GameTrailers. “The elegance of that stuck with me. The first game was really good, you just pressed a button and someone would join you but we wanted to get rid of even that.

“Internally we call it the world’s smallest MMO.”

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Bear Witness to Jonathan Blow's definition of a bad puzzle


Braid was really good at puzzles. Its genius was twofold: in allowing you to miss out the jigsaw pieces you found most difficult and chew them over while working on the next; and in having puzzles build on previous solutions, such that you eventually found yourself bending your brain into shapes it wasn’t used to.

All signs point to The Witness managing the same: not least Jon Blow’s definition of a bad puzzle, which goes some way to showing he’s still got it.

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Fifth gear itch: Criterion "always wanted to go beyond cars"


Criterion are in a weird place right now. They shed the vast majority of their staff during the development of Need for Speed Rivals, their founders soon after, and at last count numbered less than 20.

But that’s put them in a position where they can take their time on something new - a vehicular something we saw a little of during EA’s pre-E3 show. Though it doesn’t have a name yet, we know Criterion’s current project is a first-person thrill-seeker inspired by deathwish Youtubers. Basically, it’s Battlefield’s best bits minus the hassle of having to shoot people.

Apparently, Criterion were never going to settle for just being the Burnout gang.

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Below devs “We want to make a game where players tippy-toe through the darkness”


“Below is very unforgiving, you’re basically one hit from death,” Capybara Games’ creative director Kris Piotrowski explains. “We want to make a game where players tippy-toe through the darkness. Knowing that you’re one hit from death prevents players from running into the world and just getting killed.”

This is a step away from Swords & Sworcery, in that game Capybara let players explore the world with little fear of combat - there were battles but they were forgiving.

In Below, death sends you back to the beginning.

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Elite: Dangerous is getting a new type of space station; Braben thinks about gravity a lot


Elite: Dangerous’ David Braben was at E3 to show off Frontier Development’s increasingly excellent space sim in a new demo. Some of the content will be familiar to those of you in the premium beta, but Braben punctuates the 15 minute space adventure with news of planned content. There’s even a quick look at a new type of gargantuan space station due out in an upcoming update. 

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Two cups, one devil: Cuphead gets a bouncy E3 trailer


Studio MDHR’s run and gun platformer, Cuphead, was pushed back to 2015 a wee while ago - which is rather unfortunate - but you can maybe find comfort in the E3 trailer.

Eerie, anthropomorphic cup solace. 

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NASA put together an FTL vessel concept; it only took a couple of days for it to pop up in Kerbal Space Program


If you’re even remotely interested in getting off this blue marble and exploring the galaxy, or are perhaps simply a big fan of Star Trek, then there’s a good chance you’ve heard of Harold White. He’s a physicist over at NASA, and he and his team have been exploring faster-than-light travel for the last couple of years.

This week, White revealed a ship design created with artist Mark Rademaker. The theoretical ship would be able to reach our nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, in around two weeks. 

It’s only taken a few days for someone to recreate the IXS Enterprise in Kerbal Space Program. 

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Tank shoots, it scores: World of Tanks gets a World Cup mode


Football is a sport that seems to be rather popular. If you’re an American reader, you’ll inexplicably know it as soccer. I’m constantly being informed that the World Cup is a thing, and is also a rather big deal. Which is a shame, because it’s also run by FIFA, which is essentially a super villain group. 

It might already be clear that I don’t care much for the sport (and it has nothing to do with Scotland being terrible at it). But I have been known to dabble in tank warfare. What do the two have in common? In a sane universe, not very much. But nobody has accused Wargaming of being sane. They’ve only gone and added a new football mode to World of Tanks.

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Champions League: League of Legends gets into the football spirit


Wargaming isn’t the only developer doing something a wee bit special for the World Cup. Riot’s celebrating countries coming together to kick a ball around in the Brazilian heat by releasing five new skins, a ward skin and a summoner icon for League of Legends. 

And these skins aren’t going anywhere once the World Cup is concluded. They’ll be available all year round. 

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Gods with benefits: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris looks bigger and better


Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light was one of the best of the modern Tomb Raider games - despite being an isometric puzzle game spin-off - before the reboot last year. Not just refreshing, it was also a fun co-op experience that had a hint of competitiveness about it. Temple of Osiris looks to be much of the same, but building on those solid foundations by ramping up, well… everything. 

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Mojang clarify new rules to "prevent Minecraft servers becoming pay-to-win"


Hosts of popular Minecraft servers have been in uproar this past week over a proposed change to the game’s EULA, to the effect that nobody can make money from Minecraft without Mojang’s express permission. Voices in various corners of the community worried aloud that they’d no longer be able to afford to maintain their services, and wasted no time giving Mojang lengthy and colourful explanations of their concerns.

The developers have responded with what was missing: a clear breakdown of what is and isn’t an acceptable way to make money in Minecraft. While stricter measures are to be enforced, they’re not so broad or un-nuanced as first feared.

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BioWare's David Gaider: more inclusive games make sense from a "business perspective"


“Why are so many people demanding AAA titles to be all feminist and stuff when women don't even buy those games?”

That’s the question one anonymous user took to the Ask A Game Dev Blog - and which prompted a lengthy response from Dragon Age: Inquisition writer David Gaider. Gaider pointed out that with AAA costs rising every year, the question should be why fewer women buy those games.

“Hint: the answer may require more self-examination than you are, strictly speaking, comfortable with,” Gaider told the anonymous asker.

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Green Man Gaming's Encore Sale takes in XCOM, Company of Heroes 2 and every BioShock


The nostalgists at Green Man Gaming are taking a misty-eyed look back over their last week of summer sales today. Remember Tuesday, when XCOM was just over a tenner? The heady days when all three BioShocks totalled even less than that? Perhaps with a little prompting you’ll even begin to recall the weekend’s disregard for the RRP of Company of Heroes 2. What a time.

All of those deals and more have returned for a 24-hour, sepia-tinged encore sale.

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DICE are pondering early access for future Battlefield games


Visceral’s Steve Papoutsis announced from an E3 stage on Monday that the Battlefield Hardline beta would be open effective immediately. He said that doing so was new and exciting, and it felt like it - at least until we remembered that Hardline is out in October, and really ought to be getting on with its beta if it’s to have any chance of expunging its bugs before then.

But earlier access to Battlefield is something DICE are considering very seriously after Battlefield 4’s launch cock up late last year.

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Moving on up (but which way is that) - Eve: Valkyrie has an E3 trailer


A month ago, the best you could do for dogfighting in PC games was a tussle with one of Wolfenstein’s metallic hounds. Now look at us: Elite: Dangerous’ premium beta on one shoulder, Star Citizen’s Arena Commander module on the other, and a headset-full of Eve: Valkyrie on the horizon. We’ve more space than we know what to do with.

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How to take over a Himalayan base using just one of Far Cry 4's elephants


Far Cry 4 might well be about false passports and terrible public transport and “tearing shit up”, but it’s also still very much about stumbling into a fortress that isn’t yours and deading every last mother’s son inside.

The way you go about that is up to you. Two methods are on show in this playthrough: there’s your traditional stealth approach, which involves alternately offing very nearby and very far away enemies with knives and sniper rifles. And then there’s the elephant.

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Nordic Games will be releasing games under the THQ name


Want to hear something reassuring? No major games publisher can ever truly die - just be gutted, sold off, and puppeteered by a new owner. Hrrm, that doesn’t sound so good now I’ve written it down.

Expect to see the THQ splash screen pop up in a near-future videogame or three. Nordic Games picked up the lion’s share of THQ’s back catalogue rights - and now the small Austrian outfit plans to tackle its awareness problem using the old publisher’s name.

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@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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GRID: Autosport – Tuner Discipline Trailer


Codemasters revealed today a new video showcasing the Tuner discipline, one of the five unique styles of racing set to star in the game’s new world of professional motorsport. In the video, gameplay footage of GRID Autosport’s Tuner discipline shows custom tuned cars breaking traction and getting sideways in front of cheering crowds as they compete in competitions including Drift events and Time Attack events. Enjoy! Continue reading


End Of An Era – John Carmack Won’t Be Present At This Year’s QuakeCon

Well, we all saw that coming but deep inside us we all hoped that Bethesda would not do something like that. When John Carmack left id Software, a lot of us wondered what would happen to his yearly QuakeCon speech. Carmack’s QuakeCon talks are phenomenal and can be easily described as the highlight of QuakeCon. Unfortunately, Carmack has confirmed that he won’t be present at this year’s QuakeCon. Continue reading


Alien: Isolation – New E3 2014 Screenshots Unveiled

SEGA and Creative Assembly have released a new set of E3 2014 screenshots for Alien: Isolation. Alien: Isolation is a first-person survival horror game capturing the fear and tension evoked by Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic film, in which players find themselves in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger as an unpredictable, ruthless Xenomorph is stalking and killing deep in the shadows. The game will be available from October 7th for Xbox One, PlayStation4, Windows PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation3. Enjoy! Continue reading


SPINTIRES – Off-Road Driving Game That Sports Unique Terrain Deformation System – Available Now

IMGN.PRO and Oovee Games Studio announced today that SPINTIRES – an advanced simulator of Soviet off-road heavy cargo vehicles – is available for purchase. The biggest feature os SPINTIRES is undoubtedly its revolutionary physics of vehicles and the environment. Continue reading


Enemy Front Is Now Available + E3 2014 Screenshots

Square Enix and CI Games have released Enemy Front, a new first-person shooter action game set against the backdrop of the Warsaw Uprising during World War II. Enemy Front is now available for £29.99 on PC. Continue reading


Lords of the Fallen – E3 2014 Gameplay Footage Revealed

While City Interactive has not released any E3 2014 trailer for Lords of the Fallen, Gamespot had the chance to sit down with Tomasz Gop and talk about it. In addition, Gamespot presented some new gameplay footage from the demo that was available during this year’s E3. Lords of the Fallen is definitely inspired by the Dark Souls series, and it will be interesting to see whether its combat will be smoother and more ‘choreographic’ than the one in FromSoftware’s titles. Enjoy! Continue reading


DayZ is "moving to a new engine", says Dean Hall

Phil Savage at 23:51 on 13 June 2014

It's been a while since we last caught up with DayZ. Let's see how it's doing, and hope it's not one of those awkward meetings where we stand around and make small talk because nothing's really happened. Huh, well, it turns out the game does have some news. Its makers are in the process of moving it to a new engine, and, through that, fix many of the quirks and oddities of the current alpha build.

"I guess the big news that we’ve been telling here at E3 is that we’re actually moving to a new engine," Dean Hall explained during a Reddit AMA. "It is called [Enfusion]. So that is going to allow us to do DirectX 10 and 11. It is going to allow us to do dynamic lighting, which means no more flashlights going through walls, proper dynamic shadows, stuff like that."

Superhot on the Oculus Rift made me feel like Neo from The Matrix

Evan Lahti at 12:20 on 13 June 2014

Time-shifting indie shooter Superhot is one of the most interesting games to emerge from a game jam. The pitch is simple: when you’re moving, so is time. Bullets hang in the air when you aren’t walking, and moving more slowly gives you time to dodge, aim, and evaluate. It’s a fascinating twist on time and space in an FPS.

Grand Theft Auto V on Steam promises advanced video editor, other enhancements

Andy Chalk at 09:26 on 13 June 2014

As expected, Grand Theft Auto V has appeared on Steam, boasting of a number of enhancements to the game as well as an all-new video editor.

ADOM, Logigun and 73 others get the Greenlight on Steam

Andy Chalk at 08:01 on 13 June 2014

I have good news for those of you who can't wait to get your hands on Super Lemonade Factory, I am weapon or Car Disassembly 3D: Steam has given the Greenlight to 75 more titles, including those three and one that's actually been banned.

Alienware's Steam Machine is "Steam ready" but will ship without SteamOS or controller

Andy Chalk at 04:45 on 13 June 2014

Alienware Alpha is a $550 Steam Machine we looked at earlier this week, during which we noted that SteamOS, the backbone of the system, isn't quite ready. That, and the inclusion of Windows 8.1 in the system specs, understandably led to some existential questions about whether a Steam Machine without SteamOS is really a Steam Machine at all; and the answer, according to Alienware, is "yes."

The Banner Saga composer faces $50,000 fine for his work on the game

Phil Savage at 04:36 on 13 June 2014

Austin Wintory—composer for games Journey and The Banner Saga—is facing a fine of up to $50,000 as a result of his work on Stoic's Viking RPG. According to Wintory, his union, the American Federation of Musicians, have charged him for working on the game's soundtrack with non-union musicians. Earlier this week, Wintory released a video, explaining the charges and setting out what he calls an "untenable situation".

VVVVVV: Make and Play Edition released as free download of player-made levels

Phil Savage at 03:55 on 13 June 2014

Terry Cavanagh's has today revealed the next step in his masterplan to frustrate the planet. Previously, with VVVVVV, Super Hexagon and Maverick Bird, he's caused keyboard-pounding annoyance at fiendish levels and lacking reflexes. Now, he's widening VVVVVV's audience, with the new Make and Play Edition. While the free download doesn't contain the main VVVVVV campaign, it does have its level editor, and a selection of player-made levels.

Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age preview - Crytek's surprisingly original co-op shooter

PC Gamer at 23:26 on 12 June 2014

US Editor-in-Chief Evan Lahti and UK Editor Samuel Roberts sat down together to see Hunt at E3, the new project of Crytek’s Austin studio, formerly the creators of Darksiders. Below, thoughts from Evan and Sam on what they saw.

Steam Age: Rise Of Nations Extended Edition Out Now

By Graham Smith on June 13th, 2014 at 12:00 pm.

I’ve always though that Rise Of Nations never got its due. Developed by Big Huge Games, it was a real-time strategy game which looked like Age of Empires but took inspiration from Civilization. Mainly that inspiration was that you could advance your civilizations across eight ages of history during a match, meaning that you could begin with Hoplite and end with stealth bombers just an hour later. If you missed it, or if you miss it, then there’s now a Rise of Nations: Extended Editions available on Steam.

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Horizon Shine: Watch The Secret Best Conference Of E3

By Nathan Grayson on June 12th, 2014 at 5:20 pm.

It’s more or less over. In the wake of E3′s publishing behemoth mega-rumble, Los Angeles lies in ruins – buildings stomped flat like ant hills beneath the feet of roughhousing children. Microsoft, Sony, Ubisoft, EA, and Nintendo have all taken their rooster-like struts down the stage, and now millions lie dead or worse: in some sort of physical retailer, placing pre-orders. But that’s not everybody. One major player has yet to roll out its cavalcade of announcements, demos, and trailers. Last year Venus Patrol’s Horizon, the “alternative gaming conference,” quietly stole the show with wonderfully charming games ranging from Double Fine’s Broken Age to Capy’s Below to hole-based puzzler Kachina which is KILLING ME BY STILL NOT BEING OUT, DAMN IT. What lies in store this year? Horizon will begin streaming at 10 AM PT / 6 PM RPS time. Let’s find out together.

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@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

zarx said:

“Why are so many people demanding AAA titles to be all feminist and stuff when women don't even buy those games?”

That’s the question one anonymous user took to the Ask A Game Dev Blog - and which prompted a lengthy response from Dragon Age: Inquisition writer David Gaider. Gaider pointed out that with AAA costs rising every year, the question should be why fewer women buy those games.

For God's sake!

The answer to that question is very easy: Players that are going to play a game for +20 hours (or at least twice as much for RPGs) will watch his/her character from behind. So the least we can ask is for our character to have a nice looking ass, and women are better than men at that.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

This Risen 3 trailer does nothing to take the fear out of animal skulls


You could make a compelling argument that Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag did everything you’d ever ask of a proper pirate RPG. Perhaps conceding that - and the fact that wishy-washy swashbuckler Risen 2 was a bit bum - Piranha Bytes have returned to high fantasy rather than the high seas for their third post-Gothic classic RPG.

Risen 3: Titan Lords is nearly finished! And we hardly know anything about it. Perhaps this E3 trailer will remedy that.

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GOG Summer Sale kicks off with daily bundles and flash sales


It’s summer. I know this, because the rain battering my window right now is accompanies by muggy heat and storm clouds. Summer in Scotland is a grand thing. Another indicator of the season is the GOG Summer Sale, which has kicked off today. 

Until June 30th, 700 games have been discounted, along with hourly flash sales and daily bundles. Of note right now is the excellent Hotline Miami, which is 80 percent off and recently released Sir, You Are Being Hunted, which is also 75 percent off. 

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One strike and you're out: Counter Strike weapon skin removed due to copyright infringement


Quick and decisive are not words recently associated with Valve given the recent seepage of questionable greenlit and Early Access games rife with dishonest advertising and even copyright infringement. Air Control, for instance, is still being sold on Steam despite numerous complaints and media attention revealing how customers have been misinformed and assets have been taken from others without permission. 

But a very different Valve reacted to copyright infringement in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Valve was sent a DMCA takedown notice in regards to two community created weapon skins, the M4A4 Howl and a sticker, and action was swift and punishments were strict. 

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Landmark's Player Studio: "Players are better with our tools than we’ll ever be"


Player Studio just makes sense in Landmark. A game about creation and sharing is the perfect place for a marketplace for user-created items. And it’s integral to SOE’s free-to-play model, their take on which is one of the best in the business, never punishing players who don’t want to spend a penny, but offering them plenty of incentives to part with cash. 

We had a chat with Landmark designer David Georgeson about the anticipated impact of Player Studio, and how it - along with player feedback and experimentation - has informed Landmark’s development timeline. 

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Massacre folk across six new maps and two new modes in Hazard Ops' beta update


Downright bonkers multiplayer shooter, Hazard Ops, has been in closed beta for a fortnight, and has just received its first major content update. Charmingly, it’s been named “Massacre”. 

Six new maps have been added to the list, along with two new PvP modes. If you’re not in the beta, and that’s keeping you up at night as you soak your pillow in tears, then you’ll be pleased to hear that Infernum is sending out more keys. You can still sign up here, too. 

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Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil: “We are not going to stop those properties”


There was a hole in Ubisoft’s E3 conference this year, one that could only be filled with an Arabic prince or an adventurous reporter. E3 has come to an end, and that hole remains. While Ubisoft showed, with Rainbow Six: The Siege, that it has still has the power to surprise, it remains - as it has for a while - tight-lipped in regards to Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil.

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Alien: Isolation was on fire at E3


Aliens, specifically xenomorphs, don’t like fire. So it’s probably convenient that you’ll be able to grab a flamethrowers and whisky-based molotovs and drown the dark corridors of Alien: Isolation in fire so you can make your mistake when faced with the late H.R. Giger’s slimy baby - amid sobs, of course. 

Steel yourself and take a look at the screenshots from Alien: Isolation’s E3 outing. 

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Why Microsoft ignores PC at E3: Phil Spencer dispenses his unique brand of wisdom


Did you catch Microsoft’s conference on the first day of E3? You may have not known it if you did, because Microsoft called it the Xbox conference, and the Xbox One was the only thing they talked about. 

Sure, they showed off games coming to PC, but they did this while acting like they were Xbox One exclusives. Our platform has always got the short shrift at E3, but Microsoft’s Phil Spencer is here to tell us why. 

E3 isn’t the right place for PC games. 

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@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!


Kingdom Under Fire II – E3 2014 Trailer


Blueside has released the E3 2014 trailer for its RTS and RPG hybrid that has been under development for quite some time, Kingdom Under Fire II. The game is powered by the FAME Tech 2 engine and there is still no ETA. Enjoy! Continue reading


Rainbow Six: Siege – Off-Screen Footage Shows Similar Gameplay To Debut Trailer

A lot of gamers wondered whether the debut trailer of Rainbow Six: Siege was based on a target render or on an actual game. Well, it seems that Ubisoft has – pleasantly – surprised everyone as Rainbow Six: Siege was playable at this year’s E3. Not only that, but its gameplay was identical to what the French company showed during its E3 conference. Now we all know this is Ubisoft (meaning that the final product may get downgraded), but at least we do know that there is a build of Rainbow Six: Siege that is identical to its debut trailer. Enjoy! Continue reading


Far Cry 4 – New E3 2014 Gameplay Footage Unveiled

YouTube’s ‘Jesse Cox’ has shared a new video featuring some new gameplay action from Ubisoft’s Far Cry 4. According to Jesse Cox, this footage was recorded by him but was edited by Ubisoft. Far Cry 4 is currently planned for a November 18th release. Enjoy! Continue reading


Sleeping Dogs HD Listed By Online Retailer, Rumored To Be Coming On PC, PS4 & Xbox One

Okay everyone, time for some rumors. ShopTo has just listed a HD version of Sleeping Dogs that will be coming on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. While Square Enix has not announced anything as of yet, we kind of understand why this would make sense for it. After all, GTA V is also coming to current-gen consoles. Continue reading

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Evolve developer Turtle Rock Studios considers Early Access for future projects

Andy Chalk at 06:23 on 14 June 2014

I'm old enough to remember a time when alpha and beta testing was something game makers did before they released their creations to the paying public, and so I find "Early Access" to be a particularly interesting phenomenon. It was initially promoted as a way for indie developers to maintain themselves through much-needed infusions of funds, but now the big boys are giving it a look and they seem to like what they see. DICE recently said that it's looking at Early Access for upcoming Battlefield games, and Evolve developer Turtle Rock Studios would like to do the same thing.

No Man's Sky E3 preview: a "Han Solo simulator"

PC Gamer at 06:36 on 14 June 2014

Since the latest demo reel for No Man's Sky was highlighted during Sony's E3 press conference, I've heard lots of talk about it on the show floor. Talk like "What is it, anyway?" and "It looks awesome, but what do you do? Do you just fly around and look at things? How is that fun?"

After seeing a little bit of No Man's Sky in action and chatting up the developers at Hello Games (previously of Joe Danger fame), I can answer some of those questions. I can't say if the game is fun, but it certainly sounds that way.

Dragon Age: Inquisition interview: the world, party, and how BioWare's biggest Dragon Age plays on PC

Evan Lahti at 10:56 on 14 June 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisition was one of our favorite things at E3. After checking out EA's generous gameplay demo on the floor, I inquired with Dragon Age's Creative Director, Mike Laidlaw, about how party members will influence story decisions, how Inquisition plays on PC, and a few other things I was curious about.

Lucky's Tale interview: Paul Bettner on crafting a 3D platformer for the Oculus Rift

Wes Fenlon at 11:37 on 14 June 2014

The most surprising, charming game I played at E3 was on the Oculus Rift, but it wasn't bullet-dodger Superhot or fright factory Alien Isolation. It was platformer Lucky's Tale, which looks and plays a whole lot like 3D Mario. But man oh man, does VR make a difference. The sense of depth it adds is immediately helpful and immersive, and I knew immediately VR would have been a killer feature in a game like Super Mario 3D World on the Wii U. But Lucky's Tale will be a PC, Oculus Rift exclusive, launching alongside the consumer version of the Rift at an unannounced future date. The demo was so exciting, I had to find out more.

In my last E3 appointment, I spent 30 minutes talking with creator Paul Bettner about how his studio stumbled onto the idea of doing a traditional platformer in VR, the technical challenges of nailing the VR camera, and the future of Oculus hardware.

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