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Wednesday news, part two:

Baldur's Gate 3 is 'slowed down' by the coronavirus, but still on track for 2020
The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has forced game developers of all shapes and sizes to work remotely, and that's had an impact on a number of games and major updates in development. Bethesda had to move the big Fallout 76 Wastelanders update back because working from home slowed down testing (it's out now, though), and Amazon's New World MMO, the Path of Exile 2 beta, and future Rainbow Six Siege updates are among others that are also facing delays.
The impact of workplace social distancing is also being felt at Larian Studios, which is currently working on Baldur's Gate 3. Larian boss Swen Vincke told the New York Times that the game remains on track for an Early Access release this year, but he also acknowledged that work has been slowed considerably.

Fortnite v12.41 patch notes: What's changed?
Fortnite update v12.41 is here, and it's got a ton of new features, bug updates, and more. Most noticeably, Fortnite will be debuting a new concert from well-known rap artist Travis Scott. There's also been a ton of cosmetic leaks, including new skins, wraps, emotes, and more.

There's a Peaky Blinders tactics puzzle game on the way and it looks decent
Peaky Blinders is a very popular BBC period drama about men who have the inverse of Patrick Stewart's hair. These anti-Stewarts are 20th century gangsters, as you'd expect from guys who put on three-piece suits and point at maps, and soon they'll have their own game so that we can join them in devising criminal operations. Peaky Blinders: Mastermind will be out this summer.

Gearbox details Borderlands 3's Mayhem 2.0 mode and Revenge of the Cartels event
Borderlands 3's Mayhem Mode unlocks at the end of the base game, enabling players to adjust various modifiers that increases the game's difficulty and rewards. In November, Gearbox announced plans for an overhaul of the mode called—wait for it—Mayhem 2.0, and with that update set to go live on April 23 it's now revealed more details on how exactly it will work.

Valorant update nerfs Raze, Prism scope fix on the way
As pointed out on the subreddit, one of Valorant's premium skins, Prism, removes the black field around sniper scopes, giving its users a big advantage. Riot quickly confirmed that, no, this is not an intentional, 'premium' bonus—just your standard bug.

PAX West is still being planned for September
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of multiple industry events and conventions, including GDC, EVE Fanfest, QuakeCon, E3, and most recently, Gamescom. Despite that, the Penny Arcade team is still planning to hold PAX West this September, at least for now.

Fallout 76's new NPCs are stealing weapons from dead players
Fallout 76 is much better now that the Wastelanders expansion has arrived—it populates the world with new human residents, making the game feel much more alive. These new NPCs are a welcome change and it's genuinely nice to see some friendly faces in Appalachia.
Friendly as they are, however, some of these new NPCs have been displaying a disturbing habit for thievery. Several players have reported that during events like Riding Shotgun and Radiation Rumble, NPCs have been stealing from them. Specifically, on more than one occasion when a player was killed during the event, they respawned only to find their best weapon—and all of its ammo, sometimes thousands of rounds worth—was now in the hands of an NPC.
>> It has started! The rise of IA against us! Luckily, they're fool and are doing it on a videogame.

Minecraft's Creepers want you to wash your hands to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Under normal circumstances, Minecraft's Creepers are hissing, phallic beasts that like to chase players and explode when they get close. But the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic means that these are very definitely not normal circumstances for much of the world, and so for the next week or so those creepy green bastards will be delivering a different sort of message to fans: Wash your hands.

The original Guild Wars is celebrating its anniversary with a surprise update
Guild Wars is celebrating its anniversary today, fifteen years after it launched. Its sequel, which appeared in 2012, may have overshadowed it, but it's still kept on trucking.

Call of Duty: Warzone cheaters will be forced to play together
Call of Duty: Warzone, along with Modern Warfare, has a bit of a cheating problem on PC. It's gotten so frustrating that console players are opting out of crossplay to avoid them, even after Infinity Ward claimed it had doled out a whopping 70,000 bans. This week's update, however, gives the game's most dishonourable players a taste of their own medicine.

Wanderers of Fallout 76, unite! (With these communism-themed cosmetics)
A spectre is haunting West Virginia—the spectre of microtransactions. Added yesterday, communism-themed skins and camp items are now available in Fallout 76's Atom store. Being able to purchase these items and own them as your own personal property arguably defeats the point, but perhaps I'm overthinking things.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network

The Thursday news:


Doom Eternal sold 3 times more than Doom 2016 at launch, Half-Life: Alyx had a total of 860K players
SuperData has shared its monthly report, stating that that Doom Eternal sold 3 million digital units in March 2020. According to the company, that’s more than three times what Doom sold (957K) during its launch in May 2016. The company also noted that since Doom Eternal is a primarily single-player game, it will likely have a shorter revenue tail than other multiplayer shooters that monetize through the regular sale of in-game content.
Speaking of multiplayer games, SuperData claims that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare saw a 159% jump (month-over-month) in monthly active user numbers thanks to Warzone. Thus, COD: MW reached an all-time high of 62.7 million players.
On the other hand, Half-Life: Alyx was a blockbuster by the standards of virtual reality (VR) exclusive titles. Half-Life Alyx had a total of 860K gamers in March 2020. The game also had a limited addressable audience, as there was an install base of fewer than 4 million PC-compatible VR headsets at the end of 2019. Direct purchases of Half-Life: Alyx generated $40.7M in revenue. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of free copies of the game were bundled with VR devices to boost interest in VR.

To celebrate the launch of Order of Battle: Red Steel, GOG has a new sale on the previous Order of Battle game and DLCs, with up to 51% discounts for the next 7 days:

Steam has two new daily deals:

The Humble Store has a new Rockstar sale with up to 70% discounts on several of its games (no GTA game included) during the next 7 days. The keys are for several stores:

Fanatical has three new deals:


GOG Galaxy's huge 2.0 update is coming soon
I didn't mind juggling different launchers and libraries, whether it was Steam, the Epic Games Store, Origin or one of the other lot, but then I got my hands on GOG Galaxy 2.0 and became more discerning. It's a huge change from the old client, and following a lengthy open beta it's now almost ready for launch.
GOG Galaxy 2.0's trick is that it unifies your game library. If your games are spread out across several platforms, you'll no longer have to jump between them, as 2.0 puts them all in one place. And it doesn't just let you, say, launch Half-Life from Steam, it also captures your achievements and stats, making it feel fully integrated.


New Resident Evil 2 Remake mod brings a real simulated dress with physics for breasts and butt
These past few weeks, we’ve shared a lot of Resident Evil 3 Remake mods. However, a brand new one has just appeared for Resident Evil 2 Remake. According to the modder, this mod introduces a real physical simulation of a dress with movement or action.
Now what’s also cool about this mod is that it adds independent physics on Claire’s left and right breasts. Yeap, we now have more advanced boob physics (eat that Dead or Alive). Moreover, the Real Dress mod also adds physics to Claire’s butt.
>> You can find it at Nexus Mods.


Borderlands 3 Mayhem Mode 2.0 and new seasonal event
Borderlands 3’s Mayhem Mode is getting an update on April 23rd. The update will improve the Mayhem Mode by offering a more varied, lasting, and rewarding challenge. Players will battle their way through ten challenging Mayhem levels for powerful Legendary loot.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare April 22nd Update released and here are its full patch notes
Infinity Ward has released a brand new update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. According to the release notes, the April 22nd Update brings some general fixes. Moreover, this patch comes with a fix for an exploit for Call of Duty Warzone.

Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune Update is now available to everyone
Rare has announced that Sea of Thieves’ latest free content update, Ships of Fortune, is now available for all players. This latest update invites players to join a new Trading Company, Reaper’s Bones. Furthermore, it presents players new opportunities for increased rewards and cosmetic items by representing their favorite company as an Emissary.

Beyond Blue, new underwater exploration game, releases on June 8th
E-Line Media has announced that Beyond Blue, its highly anticipated ocean adventure will release on June 8th, 2020. In order to celebrate this announcement, the publisher released a new trailer that you can find below.

Monster Hunter World Update 13.50.00 released, PC version now on par with console version
As promised, Capcom released today Update 13.50.00 for Monster Hunter World that brings the PC version on part with the console version. Thus, and starting from this update, all future PC patches will release at the same time as the console versions.

CS:GO & Team Fortress 2 source code leaks are from older builds, Valve confirms, no reason to worry
Earlier today, it was reported that the source code for both Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2 has been leaked online. Some claimed that this leak could lead to malware finding their way on players’ systems, however, that’s not the case. Valve has confirmed that both CS:GO and TF2 are safe, provided you play on official servers.

Trackmania Nations Remake releases on July 1st, will be exclusive on Epic Games Store and UPLAY
Ubisoft Nadeo has announced that the remake of Trackmania Nations, which will be simply called Trackmania, will release on July 1st. Moreover, this remake will release exclusively on Epic Games Store and UPLAY.

New gameplay footage from Cyberpunk 2077’s latest Q&A video emerges
Cyberpunk 2077 is still a few months away, but we already know that the game is basically finished. CD Projekt Red is now only fixing and polishing the game. We also informed that Cyberpunk 2077’s DLCs and expansions will be similar to The Witcher 3. Last year, CDPR released a Q&A video for Cyberpunk 2077, where the developers answered some of the most popular questions.
A reddit user pieced together the extra game footage from that video. In the video we can see V following Placide in the crowded streets of Night City. According to the UI the name of the quest/mission is ‘Pattern Recognition’.

New gameplay footage released for Path of Exile 2
Grinding Gear Games has released the first Behind the Scenes video for Path of Exile 2, revealing some new gameplay footage from it. This video focuses on the game’s music. Eben from the community team sat down with composer Kamil to gain his insights and inspirations for the game’s music.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

The news, part two:

Metamorphosis turns the Kafka novella into a buggy puzzler
Thanks to Breaking Bad, I can't even think about surrealist and literary behemoth Franz Kafka without giggling, but I will endeavour to control myself so I can tell you about Metamorphosis, a puzzle game inspired by the novella of the same name.

Vikendi has returned to PUBG with tourist traps and trains
With PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Season 7 out in the wild, Vikendi has returned to the roster of maps. It was taken out of rotation in Season 6, but during that time PUBG Corp has been giving it a lot of love and attention. Now that it's back, you can see what's changed. It's quite a lot.

Destiny 2's new Guardian Games event is a mess
The overarching plot of Destiny 2's current season is that a vast alien spaceship called The Almighty is being deliberately crash landed into The Last City on Earth as a final act of revenge against the Guardians. Not that you'd really know, as there's barely been a mention of it since the season started. Meanwhile, in the background, the meta narrative is that a (separate) fleet of alien spaceships—affectionately known as the Space Doritos, due to their pyramidal shape—is encroaching on the solar system, seemingly with a view to wiping out all life. Six years after the launch of the original game, their arrival represents the official debut of The Darkness, the Big Bad of the series, and is therefore a substantial deal.
Or so you would think, but for the fact that the Guardians' collective response to this incoming trauma is to organise an ersatz Olympic games in order to decide which of the three classes is the coolest. Because of course it is. Honestly, I wouldn't have much of an issue with the tonal oddity of the event if it was fun, but having logged on for much of last night I'm fairly certain that it is not. No surprise of course that it's a grindfest, involving cranking out bounty and medal completions to unlock triumphs to eventually earn a new exotic machinegun called Heir Apparent.

Far Cry 3 villain Vaas could return in some form, actor suggests
Far Cry 3 was very well-received when it released in 2012, and not just because it re-imagined the series' open world shooter blueprint. It also featured the series' best villain in the form of Vaas Montenegro. Vaas is remembered fondly by fans (despite being quite scary), and he's also remembered fondly by Michael Mando, the actor who played him.

The Division 2 demo lets you play for free for up to eight hours
Ubisoft has offered a few free weekends in The Division 2 since it came out in 2019, but now it's going all-in with a permanent trial edition of the game that will offer the curious but not-quite-convinced an opportunity to play for up to eight hours, with no restrictions.

Golf with your friends without actually golfing with your friends in Golf With Your Friends
Golf courses have been deemed essential services in some places, allowing them to stay open even under shelter-in-place orders. The word "essential" has to be redefined to mean its opposite for that to make sense, but I suppose that of all the sports to play right now, golf is probably one of the best, given that you don't have to be anywhere close to another person to play it.
But you don't even have to be in the same timezone to play golf with your friends, because we have Golf With Your Friends, which costs $10 on Steam and is a lot of fun, provided you can get a voice chat group together to try out maps with you.

Bleeding Edge is getting a dolphin-powered mech next week
Videogames let you do lots of ridiculous things, but I'm still impressed that Bleeding Edge's next playable character is a mech operated by a mouthy dolphin. The dolphin's name is Mekko, and he's a ranged tank armed with a sonar gun and a heavy-duty bubble block shield. Once his super is charged, he has a dangerous sonic barrage at his disposal, or else a bubble trap.

A Fallout 76 critter has been leading players to treasure
If you're traipsing through the West Virginian wasteland in Fallout 76, be nice to the radstags—some of them might lead you to treasure.
Players have been spotting a new kind of mutant deer, the 'observant' radstag, and those with the self control to not shoot it have been getting some wee rewards. It's one of the survival MMO's new random encounters, and if you follow it for a stretch it will end up finding some hidden loot that you can then pilfer.

Give your Sea of Thieves ship a Gears of War makeover for free
If you're starting to get sick of your Sea of Thieves' ship's appearance, this weekend you'll have a chance to get yourself a new wheel, capstan and cannons, all inspired by Gears of War and the imminent Gears Tactics.

Super Mega Baseball 3 release date shifts to May
There are lots of reasons to look forward to Super Mega Baseball 3—it's been a great series of on-field baseball sims so far, plus there aren't many other baseball games to play on PC, plus there's a lack of actual professional baseball to watch this year due to COVID-19.

Tropico 6 DLC puts El Presidente on social media
Tropico 6's second slice of DLC it out today, allowing El Presidente to spew their thoughts onto Twitter analogue Spitter. Oh dear.
The Spitter DLC sees the dictator courting fame and adoration online by interacting with celebs, influencers and faction leaders to increase their social media clout. Befriending celebs unlocks their traits, and you can even seduce them onto the archipelago with new buildings like the rehab centre and beauty farm, and potentially turn them into permanent residents.

Torchlight 3 shows off its custom forts
Torchlight 3, which started out as a free-to-play spin-off but has since pivoted to proper sequel, will let you build your very own fort, tailored to your proclivities. Get a taste of them in the trailer above.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Here we go lads! Get your lube ready!


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

The Friday news:


For The King is now free to own on Epic Games Store, Amnesia: The Dark Descent will be next week
Epic Games has announced that For The King is available for free on Epic Games Store. From today and until April 30th, PC gamers can visit its EGS page and acquire their free copy. This is a “free to own” offer, meaning that you’ll be able to keep the game yours forever.
Next week, Epic Games will be offering for free the first Amnesia game, Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Now since Amnesia will be free on EGS, I kind of wonder whether the next game from Frictional Games will be exclusive on Epic’s platform.

The Humble Store has three new sales:

Fanatical has two new deals:


AMD Radeon Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.2 driver is optimized for Gears Tactics & Predator: Hunting Grounds
AMD has released a brand new driver for its graphics cards. According to the release notes, the AMD Radeon Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.2 driver offers optimal gaming performance in Gears Tactics & Predator: Hunting Grounds.
Furthermore, this driver fixes a system crash or hang when using Edge browser to play Netflix content. It also addresses some stuttering issues when performing a task switch with performance metrics overlay open in some games. Moreover, it fixes an intermittent crash in Overwatch while entering a game or during extended gameplay sessions.
>> Available from here.

NVIDIA releases RTX Voice and here is how you can install it on almost all NVIDIA graphics cards
NVIDIA has released a brand new audio voice/microphone denoiser for its GPUs, called RTX Voice. And while NVIDIA has made this exclusive to its latest Turing GPUs, there is a workaround via which you can install it on almost all NVIDIA graphics cards.


You can now play as Cloud and Jessie from Final Fantasy 7 Remake in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is now out on PS4 and won’t be coming to the PC until 2021. However, PC gamers can already get a taste of this upcoming remake. Earlier this month, modders were able to extract the game’s 3D models and add them in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
The following two mods allow you to play as Cloud Strife and Jessie from Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Since these models were ripped from FF7R, they retain their high-polygon numbers.
Contrary to most character replacement mods for Sekiro, these two characters have lip-sync and facial animations. Nevertheless, they look great and I’m sure that a lot of Final Fantasy 7 Remake fans will appreciate them.
>> Check the article for the links, both from Nexus Mods.


Non-VR version of the sci-fi horror game, The Persistence, releases on May 21st
Firesprite Games has announced that its sci-fi horror experience The Persistence will launch on the PC on May 21st. In order to celebrate this announcement, the team has also released the game’s launch trailer.

Darkest Dungeon is introducing PvP with a new free DLC called The Butcher’s Circus
The Butcher’s Circus is a new free addition to the acclaimed dungeon crawler, Darkest Dungeon. This new free DLC will add a whole new way to play, by adding PvP battles. Red Hook Studios hired a few extra hands to dedicate to this DLC, while the rest of the studio is working on the highly anticipated sequel.

Shadow Arena hits Steam Early Access on May 21st and will be free to everyone
Pearl Abyss has announced that Shadow Arena, its upcoming 40 player hero action battle royale game, will be globally available for free through Steam early access on May 21st. In order to celebrate this announcement, the team has also released a new trailer that you can find below.

Dieselpunk Wars Prologue is now available for free on Steam
PlayWay Team has announced that Dieselpunk Wars Prologue is available for free on Steam. Dieselpunk Wars: Prologue is a free version of a vehicle building game, that focuses on combat with advanced physics and damage simulation.
>> Here's the Steam page.

XCOM 2 is currently free to play on Steam until April 30th
2K Games has announced that XCOM 2 is currently free to play on Steam. From today and until April 30th, you can download and play this game. Since this is a “free to play” offer, you won’t be able to play the game afterwards. However, and once you purchase it, your progress will transfer to it.
>> It's 75% off, if you're planning to buy it

Square Enix has removed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech from Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Now here is a pleasant surprise. Square Enix has released a new update for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age that removes the Denuvo anti-tamper tech.
Alongside the removal of Denuvo, Square Enix has added a Job reset function. Moreover, this latest update expands the Gambit system to 3 sets.

SnowRunner will officially support mods on launch day
Saber and Focus Home Interactive have announced that SnowRunner will officially support mods from the get-go. SnowRunner is an off-road trucking adventure that will release on April 28th.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network

Friday news, part two:

Battlefield 5 is wrapping up, but there's one more update to come
All wars have to finish eventually—probably, I'm no expert—and it looks like Battlefield 5 is no exception, with DICE now planning on sending it to a lovely farm where it can live out the rest of its days just chilling out. There will still be special events and some smaller updates, but it looks like this is the beginning of the end for the multiplayer shooter.

Prison Architect is getting another free expansion in May
Prison Architect doesn't sound like much fun (to me, at least) but it's actually quite good—good enough that Chris selected it for his Personal Pick at the end of 2015. Despite its age, it's still being actively supported, too: Paradox Interactive picked it up in early 2019 and has released a couple of updates since then, The Clink and Psych Ward.

Fallout 76 might get pets
Fallout 76 Wastelanders arrived last week, freshening up Appalachia with new questlines, dialogue options, and several new human factions. Wastelanders is a huge update that's been in the works almost since the original launch of Fallout 76—but I guess it's never too early to ask about what's coming next.
And that's just what people did earlier today in a Reddit AMA with Fallout 76 project lead Jeff Gardiner and lead designer Ferret Baudoin.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer is free to play this weekend
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer is going free-to-play this weekend with a special playlist that will be available in the standalone battle royale Call of Duty: Warzone.

Be an 'investigation freak' and solve the murder of reality in this first-person exploration game
Paradise Killer is an '80s-inspired open-world first-person investigation-adventure with a twist: It takes place on an island that exists outside of humanity, where a rogue human civilization is attempting to resurrect dead alien gods. Also, you play as an "investigation freak" named Lady Love Dies. Okay, so I'm guessing there are probably a lot of twists going on here.

WWE 2K21 won't happen this year
2K Games has released a WWE game every year since 2011, but that consistent streak is coming to an end. WWE CFO Frank Riddick announced as much today during an investors call, stating that no videogame based on the brand will release in 2020.

Destiny 2 cheating is up 50 percent this year, mostly on PC
Cheating is on the rise in Destiny 2: Bungie said in the latest This Week at Bungie update that the incidence of cheating has risen by roughly 50 percent since January, "and significantly more at the highest skill echelons." Bans and restrictions are way up too, from an average of 656 per week prior to the launch of Season of the Worthy to 2,133 per week in the four weeks following. Even so, Bungie isn't happy with the current state of things, and so more action is coming.

No Man's Sky is getting more 'ambitious' updates in 2020
No Man's Sky got weird biological ships earlier this year, and as far as space fantasies go, piloting weird biological ships can hardly be bettered. But weird biological ships—and for that matter, giant mechs—aren't the final additions to No Man's Sky. In fact, more will continue to roll out throughout 2020.

Torchlight 3's lead designer hates that pets can sell loot
Torchlight has a lot going for it, but arguably the series's most memorable feature is its roster of pets. They keep you company as you clear dungeons, and they take some of the pressure off inventory management. They're returning in Torchlight 3, but co-lead developer Tyler Thompson is not a fan of them at all.

Valorant reveals Omen, its teleporting assassin
Omen—a mysterious, teleporting assassin—is Valorant's latest character reveal. He's a sneaky fella with a penchant for befuddling enemies by blinding them with shadows. Watch him do his thing above.

Before finishing the news, let's check the weekend deals at GOG and Steam:



No more news to share. Now it's time to relax and have a, you guessed, happy and gaming weekend. And take care!

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Captain_Yuri said:

Here we go lads! Get your lube ready!

Nvidia doesn't need to use lube with me. They can just ram their Gigarays straight into my dry hole.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Here we go lads! Get your lube ready!

Nvidia doesn't need to use lube with me. They can just ram their Gigarays straight into my dry hole.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Captain_Yuri said:
vivster said:

Nvidia doesn't need to use lube with me. They can just ram their Gigarays straight into my dry hole.

It's more fun than it sounds.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

It isn't May 15 yet. Why isn't it May 15 yet?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.