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The news, part two:

Metamorphosis turns the Kafka novella into a buggy puzzler
Thanks to Breaking Bad, I can't even think about surrealist and literary behemoth Franz Kafka without giggling, but I will endeavour to control myself so I can tell you about Metamorphosis, a puzzle game inspired by the novella of the same name.

Vikendi has returned to PUBG with tourist traps and trains
With PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Season 7 out in the wild, Vikendi has returned to the roster of maps. It was taken out of rotation in Season 6, but during that time PUBG Corp has been giving it a lot of love and attention. Now that it's back, you can see what's changed. It's quite a lot.

Destiny 2's new Guardian Games event is a mess
The overarching plot of Destiny 2's current season is that a vast alien spaceship called The Almighty is being deliberately crash landed into The Last City on Earth as a final act of revenge against the Guardians. Not that you'd really know, as there's barely been a mention of it since the season started. Meanwhile, in the background, the meta narrative is that a (separate) fleet of alien spaceships—affectionately known as the Space Doritos, due to their pyramidal shape—is encroaching on the solar system, seemingly with a view to wiping out all life. Six years after the launch of the original game, their arrival represents the official debut of The Darkness, the Big Bad of the series, and is therefore a substantial deal.
Or so you would think, but for the fact that the Guardians' collective response to this incoming trauma is to organise an ersatz Olympic games in order to decide which of the three classes is the coolest. Because of course it is. Honestly, I wouldn't have much of an issue with the tonal oddity of the event if it was fun, but having logged on for much of last night I'm fairly certain that it is not. No surprise of course that it's a grindfest, involving cranking out bounty and medal completions to unlock triumphs to eventually earn a new exotic machinegun called Heir Apparent.

Far Cry 3 villain Vaas could return in some form, actor suggests
Far Cry 3 was very well-received when it released in 2012, and not just because it re-imagined the series' open world shooter blueprint. It also featured the series' best villain in the form of Vaas Montenegro. Vaas is remembered fondly by fans (despite being quite scary), and he's also remembered fondly by Michael Mando, the actor who played him.

The Division 2 demo lets you play for free for up to eight hours
Ubisoft has offered a few free weekends in The Division 2 since it came out in 2019, but now it's going all-in with a permanent trial edition of the game that will offer the curious but not-quite-convinced an opportunity to play for up to eight hours, with no restrictions.

Golf with your friends without actually golfing with your friends in Golf With Your Friends
Golf courses have been deemed essential services in some places, allowing them to stay open even under shelter-in-place orders. The word "essential" has to be redefined to mean its opposite for that to make sense, but I suppose that of all the sports to play right now, golf is probably one of the best, given that you don't have to be anywhere close to another person to play it.
But you don't even have to be in the same timezone to play golf with your friends, because we have Golf With Your Friends, which costs $10 on Steam and is a lot of fun, provided you can get a voice chat group together to try out maps with you.

Bleeding Edge is getting a dolphin-powered mech next week
Videogames let you do lots of ridiculous things, but I'm still impressed that Bleeding Edge's next playable character is a mech operated by a mouthy dolphin. The dolphin's name is Mekko, and he's a ranged tank armed with a sonar gun and a heavy-duty bubble block shield. Once his super is charged, he has a dangerous sonic barrage at his disposal, or else a bubble trap.

A Fallout 76 critter has been leading players to treasure
If you're traipsing through the West Virginian wasteland in Fallout 76, be nice to the radstags—some of them might lead you to treasure.
Players have been spotting a new kind of mutant deer, the 'observant' radstag, and those with the self control to not shoot it have been getting some wee rewards. It's one of the survival MMO's new random encounters, and if you follow it for a stretch it will end up finding some hidden loot that you can then pilfer.

Give your Sea of Thieves ship a Gears of War makeover for free
If you're starting to get sick of your Sea of Thieves' ship's appearance, this weekend you'll have a chance to get yourself a new wheel, capstan and cannons, all inspired by Gears of War and the imminent Gears Tactics.

Super Mega Baseball 3 release date shifts to May
There are lots of reasons to look forward to Super Mega Baseball 3—it's been a great series of on-field baseball sims so far, plus there aren't many other baseball games to play on PC, plus there's a lack of actual professional baseball to watch this year due to COVID-19.

Tropico 6 DLC puts El Presidente on social media
Tropico 6's second slice of DLC it out today, allowing El Presidente to spew their thoughts onto Twitter analogue Spitter. Oh dear.
The Spitter DLC sees the dictator courting fame and adoration online by interacting with celebs, influencers and faction leaders to increase their social media clout. Befriending celebs unlocks their traits, and you can even seduce them onto the archipelago with new buildings like the rehab centre and beauty farm, and potentially turn them into permanent residents.

Torchlight 3 shows off its custom forts
Torchlight 3, which started out as a free-to-play spin-off but has since pivoted to proper sequel, will let you build your very own fort, tailored to your proclivities. Get a taste of them in the trailer above.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.