Barry Collins has informed us about a new Kickstarter update for his new game called Ashen Rift: A man and his dog. According to its creator, players will be able to break almost anything in the game and use those objects to kill Feeders, as well as alter the landscape around them. Continue reading →
Ubisoft has released a new trailer for Watch Dogs in which we learn more about this new open world title and see – at least according to the development team – how ‘brand new technology puts Watch Dogs at the forefront of next gen gaming and unleashes the power of your console.’ Well… you know Ubi… how about unleashing the power of our PC? Given its description, this trailer must feature footage from the next-gen console version, meaning we’ll have to wait a bit more for some PC footage. Enjoy! Continue reading →
Four Funnels Entertainment has announced that Titanic: Honor and Glory – a game that amazed everyone with its glorious visuals – will be no longer powered by Crytek’s CRYENGINE. Instead, the team has switched to Epic’s latest next-gen engine, the Unreal Engine 4. Continue reading →
Well, it was bound to happen. Releasing a Halo isometric action game exclusively on Windows 8 was one of the dumbest ideas ever. Especially if you are Microsoft. After failing to boost its latest OS’ sales by taking advantage of its biggest IP, Microsoft decided to do what most publishers would do from the get-go; support Windows Vista/7 and release the bloody game on Steam. Continue reading →
Good news for those who wanted to try Dead Space but never got a chance to, as Electronic Arts is offering the first part of the franchise for free until May 8th. All you have to do is visit Origin and download it. Continue reading →
Magiko Gaming and Namco Bandai will release today Platformines for Steam on a Worldwide scale (except Japan). Platformines is an old-school 16-bit game that packs a unique 2D engine. Continue reading →
Blizzard’s Dustin Browder has dropped some knowledge on the evolution of Heroes of the Storm’s levelling process and Team XP, explaining that the original design had individual hero levelling like other games in the genre, and more restrictive roles.
“When we first started, we had individual hero leveling like many games in the genre,” Browder says. “We liked how it forced players to split up into different locations, and coming together was a cost and a risk. We also liked how individual experience rewarded players for doing well, and really encouraged players to do their best; knowing that they were falling behind if they started to give away too many victories.” But this would eventually lead to problems.
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On Tuesday, EA revealed that the Battlefield 4 DLC, Naval Strike, would be delayed for PC, while all other versions (excluding Xbox One) would launch as planned. A explanation for the delay was not given, nor was an expected launch date.
Since then, EA has been more forthcoming, clarifying why Naval Strike won’t be launching on all platforms at the same time. The problem is, as it always seems to be in Battlefield 4, anticipated performance issues.
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Amid currently unfounded concerns that Facebook mean to turn Oculus inside out or stockpile all future Rifts for Zuckerberg’s personal use, one clear, tangible downside to the acquisition is beginning to emerge: we’re not getting a free, officially supported version of Minecraft to forward the cause of magic goggles. And that’s a bit sad.
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The one-way flow of talent to Riot continues, as the very best game developers in the world work to reconcile their working lives with the time they spend playing LoL in the wee hours. The latest to make the switch is Justin Richmond - game director for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, and before that designer on Uncharted 2’s much-praised multiplayer mode.
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After a week or two of Titanfall I’ve grown quite used to shimmering, semi-invisible players getting right up in my grill: that’s why I sport a shotgun. But the transparent bastard in Infinity Ward’s Devastation DLC teaser is an altogether different prospect - tropical serenity, and then BAM: cleaved-off faces.
We’d call this new stealth mode predator-like - if not for the telltale signs of a real, licensed Predator tie-in.
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Titanfall’s matchmaking has mostly worked - but when it hasn’t, it really hasn’t. Me and Tim spent a lunchtime last week repeatedly losing against a gaggle of prestige level opponents - because once the game has locked in two teams, it keeps them together. The only way to escape the cycle is to get rapidly better, or quit out to the main menu and try again.
Respawn are looking to change that with an improved matchmaking system that takes its time - and splits up teams between games.
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By Alice O'Connor on March 28th, 2014 at 9:00 am.

The chaps over at Gaijin Entertainment are still waxing their moustaches and sewing cool patches onto their jackets, not quite yet ready to roll out War Thunder‘s tank-adding expansion Ground Forces. This weekend they plan to invite “a really large number” of new players to join the closed beta testing, rewarding pilots who’ve been completing daily tasks in the base game. Oh, life’s always easier for the teacher’s pet.
Or you could simply be at EGX Rezzed in Birmingham this weekend, where Ground Forces will be playable by all and sundry. Even Adam and Graham. Read the rest of this entry »