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What are your thoughts on Home. Excitement, apprehension, curiosity. Are you even intertested in Home. All thoughts welcome so just go nuts.



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That it is a nice extra...I can't wait to see it with my own eyes on my brother's PS3 =p

In theory I think it's an awesome idea but I just don't think it will work. A clean interface like the XBox Dashboard or Sony XMB is so much simpler and quicker and people just aren't going to want to wait to do whatever they want to do.

Customizable characters is always a fun thing :P, paired with the in-game? advertisements, the ability to see movie trailers or sports highlights and such in a "simulated world" next to other people and such is pretty badass. It's got a lot of potential for people willing to use it :)

I think it's a process that could be completely ignored, and definitely NOT a system seller, but I do see why it would be nice to have :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I think it will be a waste of time. Virtual world just doesn't appeal to me. Would get boring rather quickly. Hopefully home will allow me to easily see what my friends are playing and invite them to my game without the need of changing games etc.

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The fact that you can find people in it and then travel together to the same game as a group is cool. It looks nice too. Hell, for free, I'll give it a try.

it's nice, although it wont sell PS3s

personally, it doesn't interest me at all. I also think second life is stupid too and although i have a facebook account i only did it to shut my friends up and I never use it. i just don't get the appeal of social networking with strangers and i'd rather hang out with real friend in real life.

I guess i'll give it props for being unique but i really couldn't care less about home.

I don't care at all. This kind of thing bores me to tears.

Indifference. I'm simply not interested in it.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"