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Forums - Sony Discussion - Japan really doesn't care abotu Playstation Home that much

@ kitler53

The money they will make back on it is in consoles being sold, as well as buying stuff like clothes and premium apartments, etc. It's much like buying themes for a buck on XBL but they charge you fifty bucks/year.

I think it's too early to gauge whether or not people want this app or not. But I do hope that it comes out soon, so ohtat we can all see how good/bad it will be.

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Based on the 27.3% stat above, there will be "only" 500,000 or so Japanese PS3 owners interested in trying out Home. That does not sound too bad to me.

LOL you though everyone was gonna jump for joy ?

if 25% of PS3 users use home it will be a massive success.

Home does look pretty cool and all, but, I don't really think it will be a system seller. What they have right now for basic online gaming is a system seller. Not, a virtual room to show off achievements. I mean does anyone think the achievements in Live are selling points to a 360?? I don't.

GAMES SELL CONSOLES and only games.

Famitsu generally does surveys of the more hardcore gamers, who are less likely to like this service, but as many have said, Sony need to market it as more of an extension of the online service, so you could browse the store there are look at trailers of games on the wall before getting the demo, and stuff like that. Dev promotion things would also work there, such as getting t shirts for your avatar with a game on it, stuff like that, and also a place for clan meetings, and starting games together so you can play together, but software changes would need to be incorporated so you can go straight to the online lobby. Also, the Star Wars senate style trophy place looks awesome, and I would like to have a trophy collection

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superchunk said:
Home does look pretty cool and all, but, I don't really think it will be a system seller. What they have right now for basic online gaming is a system seller. Not, a virtual room to show off achievements. I mean does anyone think the achievements in Live are selling points to a 360?? I don't.

GAMES SELL CONSOLES and only games.

Based on how people bash the PS3 and praise the 360, I would have to say it is.