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Forums - Sony Discussion - Good PS3 Deal

Devilstation said:

If anyone is interested in buying a PS3 in the UK, I just saw a good deal at Virgin Megastores

If you are a Student like me, you get a further 10% off (you do in Sheffield anyway).


That's £270 for a PS3 with Burnout Paradice


£315 for a PS3 with any 3 first party games


If anyone has seen any better deals please say.




 does this mean that the PS3 is under 200$, cause i mihgt actually buy one then

Around the Network
joshjosh said:
Whats wrong with PS3 anyway.
I hope it outsells 260 by end of this year.
I'd buy one if my pareants let me.
Especially for that price.


1. What, pray tell is this "260"?

2. Only this Mcclark kid and a few other people have been saying negative things about the PS3, infact, this thread was create as a POSITIVE comment about the PS3. Over the last year price drops, Blu-Ray dominance and good games have brought the PS3 from a bad joke to a good game system.

3. At the current rate that its outselling the "260", there is no way the PS3 will pass it in the next year, especially with the boosts that GTA4 and other big software titles will provide. 

3. Lol@yourparents 

i would just like to point out that this price is actually 7 about 700 US $$, and that is a TERRIBLE "DEAL" for a ps3, seeing as its like 400 now and games are 60 a pop

quick math



why not buy the games used

and a ps3 with 1 game (burnout) for 600???? wtf. 

This is the UK, and you should know by now that our wallets get raped here.

-This is cheap for the UK
-And yes it is the gimped 40GB
-And yes it is being sold for more than the fully BC 60GB in the US at launch.


The prices for games are so much cheaper in the US than anywhere else in the world. In the USA 40 gb PS3 = $400. In Australia it is $700 AU = $630 US for the 40 gb PS3 plus one free game. UK 315 pounds now thats around $700 (US) for a 40 gb PS3 plus free game.

Around the Network

McClarkles said:

OMg i was trolling thats how i feel,the PS3 sucks, no questions asked, mabey bot as much as the Wii, but at least the Wii is selling more then like 20 units (and japan is dumb, they just like dumb RPGs) thats why the 360 isnt doing better, and u guys have no life if u report me for making fun of ur fave system.

Let me give you a hint: Read the Forum Rule (especially #4)

Now while you might live in a world where tattling and snitching are words people use, but here we use phrases like "worthless post", "adds no value", and "banned permanently.". If you're incapable of holding a civil conversation then you can save us all the trouble and leave of your own accord....but should you decide you're ready for a discussion thats a tad bit more intellectual than your average schoolyard banter you can stick around and try again.



Which games are those in the ad? It looks like [can't tell], Resistance, [can't tell], [can't tell / GT5P?], Heavenly Sword, R&C, and Uncharted...

Anyone who knows the box arts better know?

To Each Man, Responsibility
Dark_Lord_2008 said:
The prices for games are so much cheaper in the US than anywhere else in the world. In the USA 40 gb PS3 = $400. In Australia it is $700 AU = $630 US for the 40 gb PS3 plus one free game. UK 315 pounds now thats around $700 (US) for a 40 gb PS3 plus free game.

 Taxes do hold a small part but that is with 3 games and via a student discount for the £315 price.


But then rip-off Britain has got to keep up to rip-off standards. Luckily an EU commission is looking into the whole gaming market at the moment about price fixing and over priced goods. I should point out DMC4 PS3 version to them., 

Hmm, pie.

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
The prices for games are so much cheaper in the US than anywhere else in the world. In the USA 40 gb PS3 = $400. In Australia it is $700 AU = $630 US for the 40 gb PS3 plus one free game. UK 315 pounds now thats around $700 (US) for a 40 gb PS3 plus free game.

 thats really expensive, anyone hear ever heard of ebay if they live in the UK, if im not mistaken then you can buy things from the US, because i beought something from japan and something fomr the UK.

Currently playing:

1: custer's Revenge

2: 50 cent bulletproof

3: 25 to life

4: saints row

5: GTA

(jk bout those)

actually playing

1: Guitar Hero 3

2: custers Revenge

3: Front mission 3

4: Advance wars :days of ruin

5: legend of zelda minish cap

6: bioshock

7: crackdown

8: God of war 2

9: test drive unlimited

10: Forza 2


Devilstation said:
This is the UK, and you should know by now that our wallets get raped here.

-This is cheap for the UK
-And yes it is the gimped 40GB
-And yes it is being sold for more than the fully BC 60GB in the US at launch.
dpnt you also have to pay liek 10$ a gallon for gas or something?