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McClarkles said:

OMg i was trolling thats how i feel,the PS3 sucks, no questions asked, mabey bot as much as the Wii, but at least the Wii is selling more then like 20 units (and japan is dumb, they just like dumb RPGs) thats why the 360 isnt doing better, and u guys have no life if u report me for making fun of ur fave system.

Let me give you a hint: Read the Forum Rule (especially #4)

Now while you might live in a world where tattling and snitching are words people use, but here we use phrases like "worthless post", "adds no value", and "banned permanently.". If you're incapable of holding a civil conversation then you can save us all the trouble and leave of your own accord....but should you decide you're ready for a discussion thats a tad bit more intellectual than your average schoolyard banter you can stick around and try again.



Which games are those in the ad? It looks like [can't tell], Resistance, [can't tell], [can't tell / GT5P?], Heavenly Sword, R&C, and Uncharted...

Anyone who knows the box arts better know?

To Each Man, Responsibility