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Forums - General Discussion - The Secret Thread???

i trough a cat over a tall fence and my friends brother swung a cat by its tail!!!!

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I like to wear woman undergarments

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



what about your boy friend?

I am a Nintenfo fan, and I love pokemon and mario games.

I am a Nintenfo fan, and I love pokemon and mario games.
i dont like pokermanz there i said it... or did i...did i.


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NFG why dont you just tell us the truth. you are a 5 year old boy. heh

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I still pick my nose. ;)

no i am not you are a 37 year old woman who loves his mom so stop it!!! *punches him through the computer*

RCTjunkie said:
I still pick my nose. ;)


I don't have any real secrets.

How about I hate baseball and gridiron (American Football incase you don't know)