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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GDC08 : Xbox360 vs PS3 : a fight for the GFX Supremacy !

Dallinor said:
libellule said:

Will Epic be able to push the Xbox360 beyond what they have done with GoW1 ?

I think so, but not by a huge margin. I think Gears was brushing the ceiling of what the 360 can do in terms of graphics.


What's make you think Epic was able to masterise the console within its first year ?

The UE engine wasen't even optimzed at that time, the dev tools have improoved since, Epic is probably a lot more familiar with the machine and given the success of GeOW, you can bet the budget (not to mention the dev frame) will be higher.

Except for the Wii which is a GC, every single console only show its full potential after the forth of fith year...

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I think you're really making the question about who has the most poweful hardware sound more important than it is. I mean... do I even have to tell you how many times in a row the less, or even least powerful console has ended on top? The amount of people who absolutely must have the console with the most horsepower is very small, and most of them have chosen their machine already.

Also lol at people saying the 360 had its best looking game during its first year. I definitely don't have to tell you that isn't how things work.

A Microsoft exec has already said that they're saving some surprises for E3, TGS, etc.

How do we know that any of these games will be at GDC? I think Resistance 2 will be there, simply because it has yet to have a showing at any major press events, but as for the others, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

I'm really hoping that Team ICO will finally reveal their ps3 project(s) at GDC, but, like with those other games, I'm not getting my hopes up.

ClaudeLv250 said:
konnichiwa said:
When is GDC?

I saw a lot of posts lately about GDC so it must be soon?

GDC is Feb. 18-22nd.

I think people are putting too much weight on GDC. It sounds like MS is the only one of the big three that's going to present a lot of stuff, which makes me wonder what they're going to have left for the real game shows like E3, TGS, and everything inbetween.


 Sony first unveiled Home and LBP at last year's GDC, so I wouldn't be too surprised if they announced another game as big as LBP this year.  I'm holding out for Team ICO's next game(s).

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I think it is almost certain LBP will make a big appearance at GDC, as that is where it all started last year.

It would also be nice to see MGS4 and Playstation Home in there final stages of development.

Maybe a comfirmation of a new PS3 SKU will be shown.


gebx said:
ssj12 said:
Sony should have a few announcements but mostly they will release new dev tools to assist devs on making good games.

 I don't understand why Sony hasn't sent a team to EA yet to show them how to port to the PS3 properly

 they probably have, and with the EDGE tools released last GDC EA should not have issues unless their devs ared complete tards. Which considering the Frostbite engine is the UE3 with a few minor tweaks basically they are.

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If FF13's recent pics are in game footage and not CGI renders, then the PS3 has already won this time around. :)

(02/04/08, 01:58) I think you're really making the question about who has the most poweful hardware sound more important than it is. I mean... do I even have to tell you how many times in a row the less, or even least powerful console has ended on top? The amount of people who absolutely must have the console with the most horsepower is very small, and most of them have chosen their machine already. "

==> wel, I agree
but the PS3 is expensive and it needs to show that u get some extra (more than just a BR player ...) when u buy it.

"The most powerfull" title is not the key to win the console war but it could help to seduce some hardcore gamers that are, still, the main people interested in the PS3/Xbox360.

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