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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Would you buy a pokemon MMO?

sc94597 said:
^ I love your ideas they are more in ordganized than mine were. Lol. Few things I would like to add. There could be places where you play in turn base such as pvp areas but the main game when fighting wilds/other people could be real time or the person asks to go against you and you fight in your choice real time or turn based. I would also like the trainers to have ranks/lvls just so you could distinct yourself between which people are new and which people are not. I would also like to say that wild pokemon lvls are determined by to things what lvl the trainer is and location. Oh and wild pokemon lvls such as legendaries could even go higher than the set 100 so using multiple pokemon is necessary. Oh and instead of new pokemon added in expansions they could just be added in updates if we have a hard drive sd support or external hd support by then. This is making me wish this game is made. I wish I worked at nintendo so I could offer the ideas.

Similar to what I said in my last post, a trainer's rank could be determined by gym badges/victories. It could also go by the quantity and quality of side missions.  Or just a mix of the two above. 

 I think that the level of the trainer shouldn't determine the level of wild pokemon in an area.  This is because if one player sees a pokemon, the level of the pokemon will be one level, and if another, person sees it, it will be at another level.  I don't think that it would really make sense to do this. Instead, I think that the level of pokemon should be determined by the area.

Legendary pokemon that are at a level above 100 would be interesting, but what if you tried and succeeded in catching it.  Would it stay at that level, or would the level be lowered to something under 100.

Adding pokemon in updates would be nice in one way, but I think that I would prefer to get say 100 pokemon once a year, instead of 2 a week.

I think Nintendo really needs to bring out something to allow us to add space to the Wii.  It wouldn't really matter if it was software that allowed us to use SD cards as a HardDrive or just release a HardDrive. Either way, I think a game that had even a little of what I thought could go into a Pokemon game, would probably push most Wii users over the edge in storage space.  I could be wrong though, and Nintendo could make a game like this with minimal space needed.

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^ Yeah I guess the wild pokemon over 100 could drop to 5 so it would have to be trained. Oh i forgot to add wii controls in it too. It could somehow use wii controls for some things. The trainers lvl could be the mean of all of his/her pokemon lvls. I would also see tools like explosives and new items that we have seen in the dungeon bule/red games. There could also be breeding centers all over the map. Now for the map should it be all of the regions in the games. Sinnoh,Johto,Kyoto,and hoein (i hope i spelt that right) or some new place. I would like to see all of the regions in the games because they could add depth to it so its a larger world and more gym battles and quests. Plus there could be countless islands. I would also like to see the cities and forests in 3d. Hey the least we nintendo could give us is a 3d pokemon rpg on the wii.

A Pokemon mmo would be cool, @SilentWolf some nice ideas there



Hell yeah.

There would actually be some point to collecting rare creatures - and trading them with other users.

Trainer v Battles would take on a completely new perspective.

Imagine how cool tourament battles would be - everyone else watching on, then being summoned when its your turn to battle.

Need to setup/run a bunch of servers though.


I think Pokemon is one of the few IPs that could actually work as a MMO and challenge WoW - there really aren't many.

With all the money that Blizzard have been raking in for Vivendi recently... and well, we know how much Ninty loves money :) 

Gesta Non Verba

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Here's a thought for you all...

A couple of people I know that play Wow - *never* buy or play *any* other games anymore. Its just WoW.

Could Nintendo actually damage their profits, by reducing sales of the other titles they create?

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

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^ well if its that addicting they could have monthly payments. Also blizzard doesn't lose money on other games they have.

What would you guys rather a mmo or just a console rpg.

This is perhaps one of the most genius ideas i have ever heard of.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

I would play it, but I would like it to be the world in Red/Blue/Green/Yellow. I haven't played a pokemon game since those days!

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

quarashi said:
I would play it, but I would like it to be the world in Red/Blue/Green/Yellow. I haven't played a pokemon game since those days!

 Well its a mmo you need a big world so it could be all regions.