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Forums - General Discussion - Firefox problem.

I recently downloded Firefox on the advise of Talonman, and was quite impressed. It didn't actually work faster than IE7, but I suspect it was because I was downstairs when I tried it, where I imagine my connection is not as good.

Any how I came to this site just fine, changed a few boxarts (the main reason I got Fifefox), but the second time I went on it (and any times I have tried since) gives me an error for every page I go to saying "onLookupFailed 55 1"

which means everytime I visit any page I have to click ok on this error box a few times before it goes away, and I suspect it is that stopping me logging into VGCharts (or any other site with login)... whenever I type in my details and click login it takes me to my profile as usual, but I am not logged in.

I have no idea what it is about seeing as I am new to the program and there is no explanation on the error box as to what it means.


Also if I can fix that I want to ask is there a way to make tabs open next to the page you opened them from, rather than always as the last tab?

Around the Network

That seems to have an option for opening tabs next to the current tab.


EDIT: The cryptic error is caused by McAfee Site Advisor. Uninstall it.

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Ah... cookies were disabled. enabling them seems to allow me to enter VGC... but I still get the error message all the time.

What is NoScript?.. is that another add-on?

I was mistaken. The cryptic error is caused by McAfee Site Advisor. Uninstall it.


Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

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TWRoO said:
Ah... cookies were disabled. enabling them seems to allow me to enter VGC... but I still get the error message all the time.

What is NoScript?.. is that another add-on?

 Yeah.  NoScript is a really usefull add-on to get.  It prevents cross-scripting which is a way you can get virus' (I think that was one of the problems this site had earlier on.)

Atleast i think that's how it works.

I highly suggest it anyway.

Around the Network

If I check the Error console in the Tools menu, I seem to get a massive amount of warnings (but no errors) just from visiting the main google news page.

saying things like: Unknown property 'text overflow'. Declaration dropped.

Game_boy said:

I was mistaken. The cryptic error is caused by McAfee Site Advisor. Uninstall it.


Aha... ok is there a way to take it off Firfox only because I don't want to uninstall it totally.

TWRoO said:
Game_boy said:

I was mistaken. The cryptic error is caused by McAfee Site Advisor. Uninstall it.


Aha... ok is there a way to take it off Firfox only because I don't want to uninstall it totally.

I don't think there is a way to selectively disable it (I've never found a use for antivirus software other than turning a computer into treacle). I recommend installing NoScript instead which totally prevents websites from doing anything other than just displaying data on your screen (no chance of malware websites).  Site Advisor only works if McAfee knows about the website, whereas NoScript Just Works.

Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

Thanks all Edit: much better... I added NoScript (though I have no idea what all the options mean, I suspect I will find out when something doesn't happen that used to happen) I added the tabs thing. and there is an option to disable McAfee, so I did that and I no longer get the messages. Edit 2... it seems NoScript has also stopped those weird advert links too (the ones which highlight specific words like a hyperlink, except in green) And when I close a tab It sends me back to the last tab I was on, which is nice, It annoyed me that IE7 always displayed the next tab along. ------- Edit 3... ah, it seems the VGC tabs don't work anymore (when I roll over Chartz it does not show the other options) Should I disable NoScript for VGC or is that dangerous given the history of the site? (although I personally have never got a virus from here)

Don't forget to get AdBlockPlus also. Will help cut down your chances of popups even more. And yes, for sites you trust, allow scripts to come through. And I'd stick with just allowing only on this page. The others are all blocked on my screen and the site works just fine.


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