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I recently downloded Firefox on the advise of Talonman, and was quite impressed. It didn't actually work faster than IE7, but I suspect it was because I was downstairs when I tried it, where I imagine my connection is not as good.

Any how I came to this site just fine, changed a few boxarts (the main reason I got Fifefox), but the second time I went on it (and any times I have tried since) gives me an error for every page I go to saying "onLookupFailed 55 1"

which means everytime I visit any page I have to click ok on this error box a few times before it goes away, and I suspect it is that stopping me logging into VGCharts (or any other site with login)... whenever I type in my details and click login it takes me to my profile as usual, but I am not logged in.

I have no idea what it is about seeing as I am new to the program and there is no explanation on the error box as to what it means.


Also if I can fix that I want to ask is there a way to make tabs open next to the page you opened them from, rather than always as the last tab?