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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - X360 Sales: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare to pass Gears of War..

It won't pass Halo 3 but it will pass Gears. And gears deserves to be passed. That game was just so bad I can't believe 5 million of yall bought it. Keep doing the right thing and buying COD4.

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CoD5 won't cut too much into COD4 sales b/c they are going BACK to the WWII formula for the next installment. Infinity Ward only makes the even numbered games (2, 4 ect). I think having modern guns, scopes ect then going back to those crappy arse WWII era guns will knock a LOT of people off from buying part 5 and they'll wait for 6. I know I'm skipping 5 and if I do get it, it'll be strictly for the single player campaign.

A couple of people in this thread are going out of their way to bash G.O.W.. That's cool. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Still, if the game sold 5 million copies, won multiple Game of the Year awards, and is STILL one of the most played games on have to wonder what kind of credibility these guys have.

In the end, I think CoD gameplay and overall themes may cater to a broader audience. Settings with basis in WWII or modern day conflicts have been very popular in recent years, and a lot of gamers (especially the adult ones) may have problems digesting a near sci-fi like landscape and tone over more conventional settings. Me, I like a good mix, kinda like Half-Life and Half-Life 2!
My father hates most videogames, but he thought that Call of Duty (the original) was way cool since he's very much into WWII as a subject. I had to hook up my PC to our TV so he could watch me play!
The Stalingrad levels made his mouth water, and if he could've mastered the controls, I'm sure he would have played it himself.

d21lewis said:
A couple of people in this thread are going out of their way to bash G.O.W.. That's cool. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Still, if the game sold 5 million copies, won multiple Game of the Year awards, and is STILL one of the most played games on have to wonder what kind of credibility these guys have.

 Yes, and to be fair; GeoW and CoD 4 are two different genres despite certain similarities. FPS games genrally sell a little more than 3rd person shooters, especially on PC. So GeoW, which also happens to be a brand new franchise is quite the gem! I don't like the game myself, but I admire it none the less.