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Forums - General Discussion - The Official Super Bowl XLII Discussion!

Sqrl said:
rocketpig said:
ikilledkenny said:
This ruined my day. On every other day, the Patriots dominated, but they could not pull it off when it mattered most.

The Patriots dominated? Was I watching a different game where Brady was knocked down over 15 times?

It's hard to win when you have four to five guys rushing you and you develop eyes in the back of your head in fear of getting knocked. I guarantee that the Giants studied a whole lot of San Diego footage over the past two weeks to understand how to get under Brady's skin.

 He was saying in every other game they dominated....which of course is also false but they did dominate a lot of their games...just not all of them or even all of them except this one.

Ah, missed that. But let's face it, the Patriots aren't that good. Once they faced a few decent teams and once mediocre teams (Ravens, Eagles) got a good look at their gameplan, they barely scraped by with wins.

Yeah, they beat the shit out of teams early in the season. When push came to shove, they barely eeked out victories against some pretty lousy teams and they struggled in the playoffs.

Dominant teams destroy their opponents in the playoffs. Look at the 85 Bears, the late 80s Niners, there was no contest. The Patriots are not that kind of team. Yes, they are very good and they know how to squeak out narrow victories.

But best team ever? Ha. I scoffed at that notion two months ago when the Eagles almost beat them and then the Ravens should have beat them. They're not in the same breath of elite teams (which we may never see again because of parity) like the Steelers and Bears (and yes, I'm intentionally leaving out the Dolphins, they lucked out).

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This is a little thing called karma. When you cheat in life eventually things come back and bite you. Now I don't have to get in any more discussions about whether or not the Patriots are the greatest team of all time. They aren't even the greatest team this year. I am not a Giants fan but was today and am glad they won. They were treated like the sacrificial lamb in the two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl , got upset about it, and did something about it. I heard the commentators after the game saying that after the Super Bowl no one remembers the losers but people will remember this year's Patriots. Nope. Sorry. They will be a trivia question twenty years from now. For the record I am a Bears fan and would love to have either of their quarterbacks. LOL

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

amp316 said:
This is a little thing called karma. When you cheat in life eventually things come back and bite you. Now I don't have to get in any more discussions about whether or not the Patriots are the greatest team of all time. They aren't even the greatest team this year. I am not a Giants fan but was today and am glad they won. They were treated like the sacrificial lamb in the two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl , got upset about it, and did something about it. I heard the commentators after the game saying that after the Super Bowl no one remembers the losers but people will remember this year's Patriots. Nope. Sorry. They will be a trivia question twenty years from now. For the record I am a Bears fan and would love to have either of their quarterbacks. LOL

Well shit, I would take my 40 mph lefty rifle arm over Grossman, Greise, or Orton.

That's not saying much. 

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Orton actually deserves more of a chance. He turns the ball over a lot less than those other two clowns.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

amp316 said:
Orton actually deserves more of a chance. He turns the ball over a lot less than those other two clowns.

Honestly, if a gun was put to my head and I was forced to choose, I would go with Grossman.

They're all bad but I will take the guy who doesn't suck all the time. 

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hahaha Yes Bears QBs are awful.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Well I was only able to see the first half which started at 10am Australian time as I had to got to work at 12. However I greatly enjoyed what I saw and will try to catch a few games next year on pay-tv.

Damn I shoulda made a prediction on this.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



hands down edge of the seat teh whole game---i mean i am a fan of neither team(colts ftw) but after the crap the pats tried to pull this season i was all for the giants and every time they got the ball i was nervious, and ever timethe pats got the ball i was screaming from the tension----so glad the Giants showed how "perfect" the pats really are