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Forums - Sales Discussion - Topics that moved the community: The UR MR GAY retrospective

Mummelmann said:
Is this like the time the Teletubbies was taken of the air in England because the guy in the "Po" suit was gay?

@supermario128; 16 million, huh? Hmm. Sounds awfully much if you ask me.
 It was Tinky Winky who was meant to be gay coz he had a handbag and a camp voice. And no it wasn't taken off because of homophobia. Homophobia is viewed very very negatively in the UK. There are lots of openly gay people on British TV including kids' TV.


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unless super smash brothers brawl does the same but spelling out something like "super smash brothers brawl" then I think they'll be fine


I'm proud to say Mario Galaxy made me gay! What's wrong with that?

WHAT? NO!! Not that kind of gay. I mean happy! Super Mario makes me happy. Having a boyfriend makes me gay!.........I kid. I kid!

Wasn't someone insisting that it was done on purpose?

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I don't think anyone really cared about that. At all.



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Can we add our own topics? Or are you in charge of this thread?

Because if we can. I think the Sony Defense Force and it's outing was quite moving. A lot of people here really took that place seriously, and it's discovered deception left a lot of people saying things like "Yeah, but it's still how some people actually think" and "Of course I always knew. I was just going along with the joke."

Good times.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

The user on the Serebii Pokemon forums, named Kirby, has a signature with a picture of the rainbow-invincible Mario dashing (not a GIF) with "UR MR GAY" on the bottom of it. I liked how she found the rainbow Mario picture lol And no, the Kirby on that forums isn't the one on here. That Kirby on the Pokemon forums is a girl lol

I remember this overweight idiot when I was in public high school made fun of me one time when I brought a Nintendo Power magazine that had Super Mario Sunshine on the cover.

"Mario is gay," he said.
"You're fat," I replied.
"Nintendo is stupid," he argued.
"You're huge. Go on a diet," I answered.

The next day, he said, "The creator of Mario died."
I replied, "Uh, no...and I see you didn't go on Weight Watchers like I suggested."

The boy looked like that guy Bulk from the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, but that actor was cooler; this boy was just plain ugly and fat. I could tell he played GTA because he kept saying how fun it was. He said that Nintendo couldn't do anything like GTA; I wish that boy saw that Robot Chicken episode clip with Mario and Luigi being in a GTA scenario. Oh, and I bet that boy is living in fear about the Wii now lol

stof said:
Can we add our own topics? Or are you in charge of this thread?

Because if we can. I think the Sony Defense Force and it's outing was quite moving. A lot of people here really took that place seriously, and it's discovered deception left a lot of people saying things like "Yeah, but it's still how some people actually think" and "Of course I always knew. I was just going along with the joke."

Good times.

 feel free to hijack my thread.

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Faxanadu said:
stof said:
Can we add our own topics? Or are you in charge of this thread?

Because if we can. I think the Sony Defense Force and it's outing was quite moving. A lot of people here really took that place seriously, and it's discovered deception left a lot of people saying things like "Yeah, but it's still how some people actually think" and "Of course I always knew. I was just going along with the joke."

Good times.

feel free to hijack my thread.

" wantzzz your threadz hijaxed?.....ok then...."

-groggy kitten


lol sorry had that pic saved and the expression was "just right".


I think the gamespot fiasco got quite a few people pissed off as well. It definitely produced some strong reactions but unlike most topics it was fairly unanimous that time. It stood out a bit for that reason alone imo.



To Each Man, Responsibility

I thought it was funny the first day or two it popped up on gaming websites.. and i didn't mind people bringing it up occasionally.. but what irritated me was people going by the idea that either it would actually detract from sales or it was intentional when we all know the only race of people who are bored enough to discover something as trivial as that are internet geeks