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Faxanadu said:
stof said:
Can we add our own topics? Or are you in charge of this thread?

Because if we can. I think the Sony Defense Force and it's outing was quite moving. A lot of people here really took that place seriously, and it's discovered deception left a lot of people saying things like "Yeah, but it's still how some people actually think" and "Of course I always knew. I was just going along with the joke."

Good times.

feel free to hijack my thread.

" wantzzz your threadz hijaxed?.....ok then...."

-groggy kitten


lol sorry had that pic saved and the expression was "just right".


I think the gamespot fiasco got quite a few people pissed off as well. It definitely produced some strong reactions but unlike most topics it was fairly unanimous that time. It stood out a bit for that reason alone imo.



To Each Man, Responsibility