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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

AngelFire18 said:
taomaster06 said:
AngelFire18 said:
taomaster06 said:
AngelFire18 said:

aww man i wanted to brawl... :(.. meh maybe next time. i would love to do a beat down with zero suit samus just once... lol

lol I'll have to add you then. my code is in my sig.

ok maybe i spoke too soon... bim ok but not the best.

lol i haven't really been playing too much so im not that great right now either. if you're on right now i can play

im waiting to join..

man i wanted to play you. i just got off for the night :(

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

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taomaster06 said:
nice games chris most fun ive had in a while :) u were kicking my ass with samus lol

dude your ganon was like the toughest ganon ive ever fought...that was super fun though

i was waiting but it was like you guys were brawling FOREVER...

Brawl Code- 3179-6370-3098 Name:Richi   

Mk Code-3480-4494-2675 Name:Richi


i'm getting on if anyone wants to play

Awww you quit too soon chriscox. You realy should play my zss vs your samese more then 2 times exsply on super wall levels like leigly manchen!

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

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Jski said:
Awww you quit too soon chriscox. You realy should play my zss vs your samese more then 2 times exsply on super wall levels like leigly manchen!

Holy crap... I know your english isn't the bets but I couldn't even begin to guess what the hell that was supposed to be!

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

IvoYarido said:
Jski said:
Awww you quit too soon chriscox. You realy should play my zss vs your samese more then 2 times exsply on super wall levels like leigly manchen!

Holy crap... I know your english isn't the bets but I couldn't even begin to guess what the hell that was supposed to be!

Luigi's Mansion... how it got transformed to Leigly Manchen is beyong me though.

Signature goes here!

Luigi to me sound like Lueigly so that how i spell it. English is a really messed up to where there are rules that are often not used. How many of you guys would play a game that the rules are always changing on you?

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

@jski Sorry i had an emergency last night. Uhh I think your sheik is your best character. Your ZSS prob your second best. Luigi Mansion is a good stage pick against ZSS I think. I can hide behind the banners. i would like to do some team matches sometime.

@ truck....i've have issues figthting pikachu. It's hard to hit him and he can out spam me hands down