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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

So im planning on gettin back into brawl..who plays here and do you all play regularly???

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It was on Halberd, I laid a spring before you came down with an F-air, you hit it and got launched up then I bounced up again and U-aired you off the top while you were at like 40%.

There were several times you hit me with Thunder off the top and I didn't die btw~ Several should have killed when they didn't.

@Xxain. I play semi regularly, but a code helps.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

Xxain said:
So im planning on gettin back into brawl..who plays here and do you all play regularly???

The regular players are : Me, Jski, Twilit, Shizzlee and Ivo (latety anyway, that's until he kills his borrowed Wii )

Some others will play for a couple of days and dispear for a week or two like: Words of Wisdom, Brawl4Life, Luinil, ChrisCox, dib8rman, Riot of the Blood and iclim4.

Signature goes here!

IvoYarido said:
It was on Halberd, I laid a spring before you came down with an F-air, you hit it and got launched up then I bounced up again and U-aired you off the top while you were at like 40%.

There were several times you hit me with Thunder off the top and I didn't die btw~ Several should have killed when they didn't.

@Xxain. I play semi regularly, but a code helps.

First: I hate Halberd

Second: I was watching that stupid arm when you killed me there.

Signature goes here!

add me to the ranks, ill begin to regain my skill..the i will show you why i am the SMASH KING!!!

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How can you hate the Halberd!

Well if its any consolation I despise Pictochat D:

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

The plaform always screws me over when it float away. Also, I'm always distracted by the laser, the cannon ball and that stupid arm.

Signature goes here!

Hey what are all your guys codes? I'll add them, you add me.

I have jski's.......

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

here i will get on let see if your showing up.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

Wii Code - 4428-7809-0797-8686

Brawl Code - 5412-9583-9664