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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Wow M2k defeated I am watching those videos right now.Last time M2k match with ninja Link was awesome.Surely this one will be better.

Around the Network

haha, TGM, I was watching the stream

Also, it's odd to look back now and see how we're both pretty famous smashers when we initially saw each other on here ;p

Brawl FC: 0473 - 7465 - 0612

So what you guys think of my sheik and snake? I like to get better with snake because of his over powered tilts hehe but i get overwhelmed a lot on snake so i am not sure how to play it.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

I am looking to play my first online match soon. TruckOSaurus was supposed to tonight but hasn't logged on VGC to let me know he is ready to play.

truck you need to come to saturday tourney in montreal ally and holy will be there

Around the Network

Looks like I need to brush up on my Brawl skills. Although it seems Truck is pretty damn good.

I will play this Friday.

I will see you there ctk!

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

Jski said:
I will see you there ctk!


Hopefully I will have my new GC controller by that time.

i do not know your GC controller lets you do crazy things like some how di off shieks nettles to the shiek faster then chaters normly move!

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.