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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Thanks :)

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NightDragon83 said:

As far as fighting games go I've never been that big a fan save for the big arcade titles like MK and Street Fighter, but i love the original Smash for its simplicity and Melee for its unashamedly ode to everything Nintendo... Brawl on the other hand feels like Melee 2.0 and after sinking countless hours into Melee i can't be arsed to do the same with brawl just to unlock a trophy from an obscure game ive never head of.

If you think it's Melee 2.0 then either you haven't played much Brawl or never played much Melee.

NightDragon83 said:

And I don't know if it's just me, but ive playing with all the control setups in Brawl and i find the gameplay to still be a tad off and not quite as responsive as Melee or the original (my fav)... i cant tell you how many times ill go for an item and instead of picking it up my guy will do some random half-assed move like kick or punch in place or dash passed it, which accomplishes nothing and just leaves me to be a sitting duck for whoever just grabbed that Pokeball or assist trophy i was just about grab. And on top of that there's just so much shit going on at once it's hard to keep track of my character for more than 5 seconds without something blowing up or going apeshit and I'm left scrambling trying to figure out what the hell just happened and where I am, and then i get knocked out. Lame.

So it's lame because you're bad at it?  Seriously, I can pick up items on the run, snatch them in the air, and even catch items thrown at me once in a while.  If you have bad timing, you have bad timing.

NightDragon83 said:

IMO Mario Kart is the only Wii game (well maybe MoH:H2) that does online gaming any justice... i'd try joining you guys in Brawl sometime but I'd probably just look like a fool flailing around while everyone else is magically executing perfectly-timed moves like its nothing.

@Riot : You know SSBB requires skill (and lots of it) but you somehow can't admit it.

I'll make you a deal : Get on top of the AllIsBrawl ladder (first page even), which should be easy since you don't need skill to win and I'll burn my copy of SSBB and buy Soul Caliber IV and never play Brawl again.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
@Riot : You know SSBB requires skill (and lots of it) but you somehow can't admit it.

I'll make you a deal : Get on top of the AllIsBrawl ladder (first page even), which should be easy since you don't need skill to win and I'll burn mail my copy of SSBB to Words Of Wisdom and buy Soul Caliber IV and never play Brawl again.


Words Of Wisdom said:
TruckOSaurus said:
@Riot : You know SSBB requires skill (and lots of it) but you somehow can't admit it.

I'll make you a deal : Get on top of the AllIsBrawl ladder (first page even), which should be easy since you don't need skill to win and I'll burn mail my copy of SSBB to Words Of Wisdom and buy Soul Caliber IV and never play Brawl again.


Those terms are also acceptable!

To everyone who said they would be online tonight : I would really, really, REA-LLY like it if we could do some 3-4 player Brawls... anyone interested?


Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
TruckOSaurus said:
@Riot : You know SSBB requires skill (and lots of it) but you somehow can't admit it.

I'll make you a deal : Get on top of the AllIsBrawl ladder (first page even), which should be easy since you don't need skill to win and I'll burn mail my copy of SSBB to Words Of Wisdom and buy Soul Caliber IV and never play Brawl again.


Those terms are also acceptable!

To everyone who said they would be online tonight : I would really, really, REA-LLY like it if we could do some 3-4 player Brawls... anyone interested?

That's what I had in mind.  I figure with you, me, iclim4, brute, maybe Okey, and a few others that we'll have plenty of people for some nice good Brawls.  ^_^


Well I will also be looking forward to brawl tonight if I have some free time.

Beer: The cause of, and solution to, all of life´s problems

SSBB Event Match Records! <-- Me beating Through the fire and flames on expert!

Brawl FC: 2750-6853-5077

Currently Ranked  #3 on the smash bros league.">">

I will be online and ready to play (hopefully) after I clean up my place a bit. Having some family over later this week so I need it clean...

What skill does it require?

You don't have to do anything or know anything. There's not even a reason to practice in this game.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Yay! Wasumara and Luinil are coming. It's gonna be a party. ^_^

PS: What does Riot consider skill I wonder.