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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

I hope Sophitia is still viable.  Back in SCII she was juggle-tastic.  Seemed like every other move popped the enemy into the air for a nice little air juggle.  If you weren't blocking/guard impacting constantly, you could lose a whole lot of health really fast and with no way to get out of it.

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I still haven't even played yet.

Ivo, I will be able to beat you. I'm the best on this site at this game.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
I still haven't even played yet.

Ivo, I will be able to beat you. I'm the best on this site at this game.



Accept my friend invite already <.<

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

You can see up sophita's skirt. I wanna try her out.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
You can see up sophita's skirt. I wanna try her out.

  Why am I not surprised.


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Riot Of The Blood said:
You can see up sophita's skirt. I wanna try her out.

Pretty much sums up what I've been doing in this game.

Sad to say I had more fun playing the facebreaker demo than SCIV.
Non can beat SSBB's addictiveness though.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

I think Riot may be in love with SC4 now. He said he gets angry when he loses... but he seemed happy after our matches

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

IvoYarido said:
I think Riot may be in love with SC4 now. He said he gets angry when he loses... but he seemed happy after our matches <.< Least he thinks SC4 is much better... can't really convey happiness or anger in typed wordes without a tone :x


You think?  ^_^

the game is really fun for me so far.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

IvoYarido said:
I think Riot may be in love with SC4 now. He said he gets angry when he loses... but he seemed happy after our matches <.< Least he thinks SC4 is much better... can't really convey happiness or anger in typed wordes without a tone :x


I don't have a ps3 if I get the game I'll be for the 360,I don't know if this question might sound stupid but can we still play online if we have the same game for different consoles?