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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

@ Ivo; Sounds fun, I take your challenge >:D
That is if I can change my router's secrity type so it'll let me use my DS online again >.
But if I can, then I'll let you have what's comin' for ya! >:

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Riot Of The Blood said:
The Wolf actually played kinda like you, Twit. He just used the blaster the smashes a lot less than you do, and he links more stuff together. You might want to use his nair more...You can combo out of it.

I don't like this counter picking crap, though. every time I picked Marth, people run their asses on DDD or Falco or Snake. That DDD is stupid fighting with Marth.

Almost everyone there tried Snake against my MetaKnight. One person tried DK. There where a few that stuck with there main though.

That stuff is not cool.

Oh, and DDD camping is lame!!!!

Haha, you do know "twit" is an insult right? ^_^


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

Someone counterpicked Dedede against you? lol Dedede is a horrible choice for a counterpick character. He's heavily match up reliant and your return CP can just royally screw him.

Dedede can be very evil when he camps. Its how I play when I go to tournaments though. Root myself to one spot and just keep up Brick Wall strategies until 90-100% when U-tilt or D-tilt will KO. Waddles might be bad projectiles for damage, but they get the job done. ^^;

Dedede's F-smash may be slower then Falcon Punch. But it also KOes earlier, so its allowed to be slow :p

Did you check my Youtube page today Riot? I uploading about 5 SC4 matches that might interest you. Especially the ones I use Amy in, I pull off some lovely combos in them :p

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

His DDD was able to beat my Marth, so it worked. My MetaKnight still won without too much of problem though.

Actually, I did check your Youtube. They, for some reason, won't show on this computer. Youtube doesn't seem to work, and there's no router where I'm at so I can't use the ipod. I'll look at them when I get home.

I may end up buying it though.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Hey if anybody wants to add me. I am trying to get some more friends on brawl... My code in my sig... PM me with yours.



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Riot aren't there any videos of the tourney?

Err... It just ended like 2-3 hours ago, Ctk. lol

MetaKnight's chain grabs=ownage.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
His DDD was able to beat my Marth, so it worked. My MetaKnight still won without too much of problem though.

Actually, I did check your Youtube. They, for some reason, won't show on this computer. Youtube doesn't seem to work, and there's no router where I'm at so I can't use the ipod. I'll look at them when I get home.

I may end up buying it though.


Which is precisely why it was a bad idea :p If I ever faced you in a tournament. I'd probably start with Dedede. Then when Meta comes out (provided you didn't start with him) I'd switch to Falco or Toon Link, maybe Pika if I'm having a good day with him. Does the comp have flash player? I think thats needed to watch the videos on Youtube.

I noticed my camera has a harder time recording Soul Calibur movies then it does Brawl. <.< Been messing around with some other characters movesets. Yoshimitsus moveset is absolutely hilarious. Pogo Sticking around on his sword is one of his moves XD. Best move ever, does like 75% damage to whoever it hits, while doing 50% damage to Yoshimitsu, is when he flies up to the top of the screen using his sword like a helicopter. He then stabs himself and falls backwards with the sword sticking out of his back and hopefully landing on his opponents head. First time I saw it, I couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes. It just looks hilarious. I might get a video of him later, I know if I ever face one doing this I'll be screwed from laughing too hard.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

Why would you use Falco/Toon Link? You don't even use them that much. I think your DDD would stand the best chance against my MetaKnight.

I played against a great Falco in a friendly, and it was hard. I lost.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Outside of vgchartz there are thousands of people that are good,I've been playing some on AIB an there are tough although they are always some noob spamming bastards.