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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

shizzlee said:
WaSuMaRa said:
shizzlee said:
WaSuMaRa said:
Shea what do you think of my lucario?

You did beat my Mario so that says something.  You seem to know his aerials pretty good.  It was hard for my Mario to get near you sometimes.  Your Lucario is pretty good in my opinion.  I barely fight Lucarios.

What do you think of my Luigi?



Your Luigi is a monster. Being able to combo an unaware oponnent from 0% to 80% with up tilts then aerials, having a ridiculously powerful forward smash that can kill easily and comes out fast, and your jab to up b can kill at obscene low damage. You know how to use that Luigi. Also you got a nice recovery with him, with luigi tornado.

I did a 0% to 80% combo?  Luigi's forward smash kills at around 80% or so if you angle it up.  Sometimes I mess up the luigi tornado and I end up falling to my death.  I think that I like Luigi more than Mario now.



Well maybe I exagerated a bit, but 0% to 60% you did.

Beer: The cause of, and solution to, all of life´s problems

SSBB Event Match Records! <-- Me beating Through the fire and flames on expert!

Brawl FC: 2750-6853-5077

Currently Ranked  #3 on the smash bros league.">">

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
I didn't know Raphael is a vampire...
Setsuka's was the best :0


Its why him and Amy are both pale with red eyes. I don't think he's exactly a vampire, just has the signs of being one. He was never bitten, it was brought on by Soul Edge if I remember correctly and Amy was infected when she treated his wounds.

They might be vampires... I dunno though.

Quote from Wiki:

"One day, Raphael returned from a vicious battle with Nightmare, the wielder of Soul Edge. Raphael collapsed before Amy's eyes and she nursed him back to consciousness. When he came round he told her that though the battle had been won, he had become infected by the evil seed, and by handling his blood, she was also infected. Their skin turned pale and their eyes shone red. They felt weak and sluggish by day, and a powerful thirst by night. Amy had always found it hard to open her heart to the world, but now she couldn't even try because she was too different from everyone else. She was no longer human"

I like Amy's Critical Finish, but I might be biased because I enjoy her moveset in general. Kind of wish the clones could have at least had original Critical Finishes instead of having the Landmaster Syndrome. X.x

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

IvoYarido said:

Took longer then I thought to edit the Critical Finish movie :x Uploading it soon, so it shouldn't be too much longer until its up.

Just noticed you can't set 2CPUs against each other... with how much they took out and how little they added I'm actually surprised I even thought of buying this now... 5 clones... no longer a stage for every character, and even then theres repeat stages within the game with different backrounds. 2 Star Wars stages? Can we say bias...

I miss Raphaels Castle Siege stage... it was purdy ; ; Nope, this time we get a carousel... which happens to belong to Hilde... a knight... on a carousel... brilliant.
Ivy's Mansion? Nope! We get 2 stages in Ostreinsberg... /stab self. Yoshimitsu's Lava Ride? Noooo give us little ambiguous swamp that no one knows of...

Story Mode and Survival mode were gimped... They didn't even put Teams Mode back in... All the original weapon classes for Custom Characters gone, and not even that many clothing options for the Custom Characters either (I miss my Tamborine and Kick Blade classes). Every main character that passes for human and isn't a bonus or guest has their 2P costume made out of Custom Character items... Including their hair.

No Adventure mode... which was actually a fun way to pass the time with SC3...

Really... this seems like a hack job. Sooo much more could have been in this thing, I'm curious as to what exactly takes up sooo much space on that disc that all of this stuff is missing. I'm expecting DLC out the ass with how much is missing >.<

Well, 3 hours later I finally got it up.. .woohoo


Well that all sounds really crappy.  Team Mode's disappearance is especially sad as that's a favorite of mine.  I also really liked adventure mode too.


@ ivo it looks like SC4 trying to be like mortal combat but with out the blood.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

heh... the game already has downloadable content.

You can now download the original SC sounstrack for stage music, and new armor sets for custome characters including pieces from the actual cast. woohoo -.-

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

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IvoYarido said:
heh... the game already has downloadable content.

You can now download the original SC sounstrack for stage music, and new armor sets for custome characters including pieces from the actual cast. woohoo -.-

Lame... I'd wait till the price drops on this title and then maybe buy the DLC I want with the money I save were I a PS3/360 owner.

Nooo 99 percent on one that's it I'll will keep on until i beat it.

Finally I beat it now I am only missing raining blood.

Can someone play with me online. I have been trying but it doesnt work for me. I dont know anybody with a friend code. Mine is in my sig. Add me cuz i really want to try it.



You should use Lucario to get it, he's pretty good (and popular these days).