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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Riot Of The Blood said:
Best MetaKnight: Me
Best Marth: Me
Best Toon Link: Ivo
Best Ness: Tao
Best Lucas: Luin
Best Rob: Fazz
Best Snake: Fazz
Best Pit: Skip
Best Ike: Me jk Guild
Best Shiek: Jski
Best Falco: Jski
Best ZSS: Jski
Best Mario: Shea
Best Luigi: Shea
Best Fox Shea
Best DDD: Ivo
Best Kirby: Ivo

That's how I see things.

No Pika? No Wario? Sadness.

I like how my SC4 gameplay video was ignored <.< I half expected Riot to have fallen in love with it or something XD

My SC4 videos been up a day and its well on its way to being my most viewed video ; ;

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

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ctk495 said:
Guys I think I will start playing either pikachu or kirby and give up on G&W he is just not my style which one do you recommend me?

Out of the two I find Kirby to be more interesting.  Pikachu's attacks feel restricting to me but Kirby has a lot more freedom in how you can play him.  You're content to use G&W's moves over and over (turtle) so you'd probably be more at home with Pikachu.

I would say Falco fits your play style. I could see your Pit tricks working with him. Falco is the closest character to playing like Pit.

1.)Pit (I believe your Pit might be better than Fazz' now; you're very good with him. You remind me of my young MetaKnight. You just need more experience.).

2.)Toon Link

3.)Falco: You like to tech chase a lot with grabs, and even change grab at times. Falco is perfect for this. Also, you get a projectile that's like Pit's and a good bair, with a simular jab. You might be the first great Falco Vgchartz sees.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

IvoYarido said:

No Pika? No Wario? Sadness.

I like how my SC4 gameplay video was ignored <.< I half expected Riot to have fallen in love with it or something XD

I thought it was neat but the whole armor system is wonky IMO.  Riot probably hasn't touched his PS3 since GTA4 came out.

I'd vote Wasumara for Wario.  I haven't seen it in a really long time, but I liked what I saw the last time he used him.

Ivo, you have the best Pikachu and Wario, I just thought it was obvious, so I didn't post it.

I watched your SC4 vid, and I think I'm interested. I wanted to see some of the big tittied girls, though. None of them as good as Mai though.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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Words Of Wisdom said:
ctk495 said:
Guys I think I will start playing either pikachu or kirby and give up on G&W he is just not my style which one do you recommend me?

Out of the two I find Kirby to be more interesting. Pikachu's attacks feel restricting to me but Kirby has a lot more freedom in how you can play him. You're content to use G&W's moves over and over (turtle) so you'd probably be more at home with Pikachu.


lol are you trying to say I spam :P?


I forgot to tell you that you use dodge too much :O


Thank's I'll main falco  :)

I haven't actually seen much impact from armor breaks in standard matches. In Training it basically looked like instant death. It breaks, and you get OHKOed on the spot. Standard matches though, not the case, you just take a slight bit more damage to the area with broken armor. It was implemented to punish people from being overly defensive, which is what broke SC3.

The grabs all seem to be more damaging then I remember them to be in SC3 as well, which is why I use them pretty often in that video.

I'm just starting to learn some of Amy's advanced combos. I pulled one of her best (thats known of) combos off on someone else yesterday. Was epic XD Basically she runs at them then does an upward slash launching them over her head, she leaps up with a flip and spikes them straight into the ground. She then kicks them back up a little bit then slams her other leg back down slamming them into the ground again. It looks visually impressive :P

I can see controversy with male models using Tira's moveset now though. Her critical finish might ruffle some feathers when its used by a male against a male XD

Edit: Seeing Riots new comment, I know he's going to main Ivy in SC4 for all the wrong reasons XD

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

I use my PS3 for porn, hentai, and charging my Ipod. It's useless as a gaming device.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

IvoYarido said:

Edit: Seeing Riots new comment, I know he's going to main Ivy in SC4 for all the wrong reasons XD

Ivy is actually really hard to use in all the SC games I've played.  Her moveset has so many forms to remember.  Hard, limp, swinging, cobra...etc, they all act differently.

Still, Ivy or Taki for Riot.  ^_^

Jski said:
I any suggestion on doing falco short hope shot shot tick? I can only seem to get it to work on ppl who jump. Is there a way to use his gun as a suting wepon to pull off attks and or graples?

I know this is a little late but SHDL is kind of easy.  You kind of want to shoot immediately right after you short hop if your opponent is in the air.  In order to shoot an enemy who is on the ground, you will have to wait until the top of Falco's short hop then shoot twice.  If you shoot more than twice, you will end up doing a laser after you land.  You know you have done it perfectly when you can't hear the last laser, and there is no lag when you land.  You should be able to shoot any character they as long as they don't crouch.  I can do it offline without fail, but it is hard to do online because of input lag.


Third member of the Sonic Support Squad.  Member of the Fierce Fox Force.

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