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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Shea, your Falco is NOTHING like your other characters.

I hate your Falco because all you do is roll, dodge, and jab. And you repeat this over and over. A lot of the times I have to let you hit me so we can get some kinda fight. Otherwise you will just run around spamming dodge and roll. I get happy when you finally land your combo or whatever so I don't have to deal with the rolling crap. You don't play like this with your other characters, just Falco. Jski does the same with Lucario. It pisses me off, because the only way to counter it is by playing defencive, which I'm not willing to do.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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Riot Of The Blood said:
Shea, your Falco is NOTHING like your other characters.

I hate your Falco because all you do is roll, dodge, and jab. And you repeat this over and over. A lot of the times I have to let you hit me so we can get some kinda fight. Otherwise you will just run around spamming dodge and roll. I get happy when you finally land your combo or whatever so I don't have to deal with the rolling crap. You don't play like this with your other characters, just Falco. Jski does the same with Lucario. It pisses me off, because the only way to counter it is by playing defencive, which I'm not willing to do.

Don't I do the samething with all my characters?  Many people have told me that I dodge a lot.  I don't really combo with Falco either.  I normally try to stay in the air a lot with Falco.  As a matter of fact, I try to go in the air with all of my characters except for Fox.  I basically play my Luigi the same way as I do my Falco.  I use fireballs and use his aerials for apporach.  Unless you mean I probably dodge more than I normally do with Falco as opposed to my other characters.  Either way, I know I dodge too much and it is my major downfall.  I can't seem to break the habit, but I have been working on it.


Third member of the Sonic Support Squad.  Member of the Fierce Fox Force.

Click Sonic for my main Youtube channel :D

Hey Riot, is there anything about my play style that bugs you like Shea's does?

IvoYarido said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
IvoYarido said:

I find myself doing it too though, the onlines lag just sucks. I can't do any of my fancy half health combos ; ;


Granted it's new so it's going to be getting hammered, but how is the lag compared to Brawl? A lot of people nitpick that sort of thing in Brawl, so a comparison to another current-gen fighter would be telling.

I think its worse really... and thats probably due to how pretty it is. The game looks awesome visually. Plays the same as old ones though.

Blocking still seems broken, its still not hard to sidestep guard breaks either. Armor breaks randomly if you hit a specific area long enough, armor damage carries into further rounds. So you could theoretically lose twice, then OHKO your opponent 3 times to win.

Online lag, compared to Brawl, I actually find Brawls more tolerable. SC4 seems to misread commands horribly when it lags. Down slide to forward Kick is usually read as funky movement > standard kick. Horizontal and Vertical strike hit together reads as horizontal to a vertical... Brawl doesn't really do that, it'll misread a rising aerial occasionally but >.>

As for its framerate lags. Theres no framerate lagging from what I've seen yet, but to make up for that the game randomly freezes for like, half a second occasionally with no warning.

Offline I can combo the hell out of CPU's that miss a gaurd with Amy's moveset that seems unescapable. Online I'm lucky to string more then one hit together due to its misreading commands >.<

Oh, and create a character has better options this time around. Only gripe (though it doesn't bother me as much as it would someone else I'm sure :p) is that when a normal PC has their armor broken, a piece just kind of gets cut short, or gets a rip in it. When an armor part is broken on a create a character. They lose everything in that category. Basically, you end up fighting in whatever you selected as your underwear. Huzzah for sexy male models ^^; (Yes, I'm sad)

Wolf > Fox. Wolf has a harder to punish recovery, a projectile that can actually halt an approach. Fast smashes that aren't as easy to see coming as Fox's Up-Smash. Better KOing options. Invincibility on his reflector. Better juggling options. Fox is just, bad. Fox's U-air can be smash DIed out of to always avoid the main hit... Fox has nothing going for him =/


Mmm sexy male models might be worth looking into it. OK I'm sad too but my boyfriend as been away for a week and a half now...


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*wanders into thread * looks around

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Ivo disturbes me, never knew he looked at polygons that way.

@ B4L; Newcomer, eh? Don't be shy just post and you'll be fine ^_______^ :P

twilit said:

Ivo disturbes me, never knew he looked at polygons that way.

@ B4L; Newcomer, eh? Don't be shy just post and you'll be fine ^_______^ :P

Welcome to the thread B4L.  Don't worry about Ivo, he's just being Ivo.  It's always good to see new posters here.  :P


twilit said:

Ivo disturbes me, never knew he looked at polygons that way.

@ B4L; Newcomer, eh? Don't be shy just post and you'll be fine ^_______^ :P


lol I see you have alot of characters listed now in your sig good too know you broaden your character choices too :)

Can't be scared of ivo he has a D3 avatar its like pillsbury doughboy too me just  want to poke him in the tummy

@ B4L; Yep, I figured it was no fun choosing the same chars over again so I got more. :]

Nobody has answered my question though... where did the pencil go?

B4L isn't new, he just hasn't posted in a really, really, really long while. He's a fake new guy.... but that doesn't mean he's not welcome though :)

Signature goes here!