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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

I'm going to be unhappy playing with you regardless of if you use ranged attacks. All you have to do is air dodge my fair to dair combo, and I'll want to break my wii over it. LOL

Don't worry about. Getting angry is part of the game. Don't hold your character back like that. I think you have a great Falco; it would be an amazing Falco if you used the double laser more.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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Shea... your dot is red again ._. That was lagtastic again for me. I couldn't cancel anything right and none of my air dodges fired in time =/ Couldn't use tilts for crap either, but of course with a brand new stiff controller I am hitting things a little harder then I used to <.<

You roll dodge far too much, and you F-smash far too much as well... I'd get out of those habits fast if you ever intend on competing offline.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

IvoYarido said:

Shea... your dot is red again ._. That was lagtastic again for me. I couldn't cancel anything right and none of my air dodges fired in time =/ Couldn't use tilts for crap either, but of course with a brand new stiff controller I am hitting things a little harder then I used to <.<

You roll dodge far too much, and you F-smash far too much as well... I'd get out of those habits fast if you ever intend on competing offline.

I know.  It's a habit that I have been trying to break recently, but I can't.  I even notice sometimes where it would be better to shield than to dodge and I do it anyway.  I never realized  that I use F-smash a lot.


Third member of the Sonic Support Squad.  Member of the Fierce Fox Force.

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Every time I landed anywhere near your Falco or Luigi you tried to F-smash no matter what percentage I was at.

Oh, and don't rely on the grab combo to start every stock. I swear it was annoying as hell to just sit there and watch you roll around just to get a grab. I was actually HAPPY when you finally did it because then I wouldn't have to deal with that rolling anymore. Its nice, but its never needed.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

IvoYarido said:
Every time I landed anywhere near your Falco or Luigi you tried to F-smash no matter what percentage I was at.

Oh, and don't rely on the grab combo to start every stock. I swear it was annoying as hell to just sit there and watch you roll around just to get a grab. I was actually HAPPY when you finally did it because then I wouldn't have to deal with that rolling anymore. Its nice, but its never needed.

Yeah.  I just figured out how to do that and I depend on it too much.  I don't even need the grab to do the dash attack into the U-smash.  I just like it because it does more damage.  Do you think that my Falco has improved at all?  The main thing I have been trying to work on is his aerials.


Third member of the Sonic Support Squad.  Member of the Fierce Fox Force.

Click Sonic for my main Youtube channel :D

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I really don't understand your laser tactics. Use the SHDL.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

IvoYarido said:
I really don't understand your laser tactics. Use the SHDL. <.< F-smash far too much. F-air has an extreme amount of landing lag (though I'll assume that was just a messed up N-air). Use D-tilt and F-tilt more, especially out of shield. Watch the Side-B against a wary opponent, you Side-Bed right in range of an F-smash a few times against Kirby. Don't hold the rapid jab so long as its easy to smash DI out of.

I can't really judge aside from that due to the lag =/ If my input lag wasn't so bad I probably would have avoided 90% of your aerials and attacks -.- I truly hate when framerate lag is peachy but input lag is half a second behind, I'd rather take the framerate lag.

I need to pay a little kid to break in my controller as well. I'm sooo not used to its stiffness.

Yep.  I don't know how that happens.  SHDL is something that I am trying to figure out how to use.  I find SHDL harder to get the silent laser with online because of input lag so I end up using SHSL way more than I should.  About Falco's side-b in the air.  I have been practicing to cancel it in order to shorten it so I don't end up being punished.  I can't seem to do that either.


Third member of the Sonic Support Squad.  Member of the Fierce Fox Force.

Click Sonic for my main Youtube channel :D

Riot Of The Blood said:
who teh hell b? That Fox was pretty good.


O thats me. Thank you

There's something really satisfying about finish off your opponent with a Death Turnip! Peach rules!

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
There's something really satisfying about finish off your opponent with a Death Turnip! Peach rules!

Other than the fact that it is hilarious?