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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Damn it fazz you hit me while I was  taunting that's not cool :p

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Sorry, I'm almost programmed to hit in any case ^^u

Anyway, that was it for tonight. My right arm and hand are hurting A LOT right now for some reason.

lol if you haven't hit me I could have win that one any tips?

Use less arrows XD

Ok thanks.

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Dude the end of that last match was epic I can't believe my Lucas beat your ZSS I was with over 100 percent and you where with 0 percent that made me proud of playing Lucas that was so awesome.

I kill my self a lot.
For the life of me i cant spot dodges i can only shield or roll dodges but from what i seen on zss spot dodging is kind pontless because she cant really cover her back well like most ppl with there down smash.
I cant even practice her tick any more i always have to resort to playing "cheaply." I do not know what else to do zss sadly is my best and i am not getting better with her at all.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

Jski, your dot went from yellow to red from that >.> Shea's went up to orange >.> I swear I've done lagless Brawls with you two before =/ Course... Lylats a 'pretty' stage that seems to lag more then others >.>

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

Hehe i had to go before i lost too many times! why can i only play well vs you i just do not get it am i lagging vs your or something? Well the best guess i can give you is i can read when your going to spot dodges and smash. The problem is that dose not madder too much because it take a lot of fights before i can see them coming. I am sry if i was spaming my rng attk too much it was at least full charges and they where all going for kill shots. Other then that it was fun.
Sry that you where lagging have you try reseting your internet that what i have to do from time to time.
@ any one
Dam it some times i do well on zss other times i am crap on her i just do not know what to do or who to play any more. Lucairo i can play well from time to time but some one with longer rng destorys me. Please give me advise!!!

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

woot just got melee.

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