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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Possum5454 said:
thats ok, i had fun

 Me too, actually. How'd you like my G&W?

Around the Network

he was pretty good but, i wasnt really going all out with dk if you couldnt tell. we should rematch later and i'll tell you

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

ctk495 said:
Now that this thread has reach 10,000 it needs more FMA

 No moar Blood+ D:<

Riot. Easiest way to get a spike out of Marth's D-air is to do it directly out of a footstool. It should tip every time on most of the cast if you time it right. I think the only people it misses are Kirby, Jiggly, Pika, and Meta Knight due to their size.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

fun matches ivo, ive been trying to incoperate the new controls into my playstyle. how do i use the pivot grab with lucas?

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

Around the Network

@shea your still way too good for me, i think i only won like 3 matches out of the bagillion we played (excluding the last bunch)

Hey ivo, got any good tips about diddy kong?

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

Hit the control stick away from your foe, then immediatly towards them and grab at the same time. If you did it right there should be significantly decreased ending lag on it. Very good way to grab someone approaching you.

Also, B-air spikes several times harder then D-air does and its not reliant on your opponent not DIing out of it.

PK Freeze as an edgeguard fails. It pops the opponent up very high and usually makes it easier to recover.... PK Thunder and B-air are far better.


With Diddy, Bananas are your friend. But! Only keep one out at a time and keep it close to you to prevent it being used against you. Also a very good edge tactic is to stick one just a foot away from the ledge. That way, if they try to stand up on the ledge they slip immediatly and take a hit. While if they try jumping over it they have your aerials to contend with.

When recovering, if someone comes out to meet you forward-b and rape their face. Then while on their face, hit jump. This causes Diddy to jump off them and spikes them downward. Its a weak spike, but it makes them think twice about meeting you head on again.

Popgun and Banana's stop approaches well. Up-B can spike if they're just underneath you when it fires. I don't play Diddy too often, but I know his dash attack combos extremely well. Dash attack to U-smash I see pretty often with tourny Diddys.  

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!

Hey Ivo. Got anything for my Wolf from our last few battles?Those were pretty close too ^_^


Off-topic: What? Nobody here likes Blood+ >:(

any1 want to brawl?

omg nice matches ivo! but the green screen of doom got me :(