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Forums - Sales Discussion - The FACT or FICTION game

1. Fiction, ofc I'm very biased to DS, but i hope DS sells more.



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1. Fiction. People buy a DS as an individual purchase. So a family of 4 could have 2 - 4 DS, where that same family would likely just have 1 Wii.

2. Fact. PS3 will likely take second place in europe and Japan, but in USA will still be hard pressed to even match up to the 360. Even with the Huge Wii sellout, it still hasn't caught up with USA figure, P3 is going to have even mroe trouble.

3. Fiction. There will be another staggered launch. With the numerous console revisions, 360 and PS3 will merely be trying to update their models with soft launches and Wii won't even launch a new console until sales start to fall signifigantly. This will likely be in 2012-2013, similar to how PS2 sales are finally beginning to slow.

4. Fact. The other companies may be hard pressed to use or implement it properly, but there will be some sort of motion or tracking system, at the very least the controls will be split and there will be some sort of pointer option.

5. Fact. Sony is going all over the place with BC on the PS3, and PS2 is still selling for a profit and catchign casual buyers who can't find a Wii. They'll keep selling as long as possible, possibly even attempting to create a modified PS3 that can attach to the PS2 in order to have the backwards compatability in one form factor without actually including the PS2 hardware in the PS3.

6. Fiction. They won't HAVE to do it, but some games may go for a 2-3 disc setup, since that could still fit in a standard Wii or 360 game case by only adding one of those 2 disc holder insert. This is more likely for the 360, since it has a harddrive where you coudl instal disc information to only need one disc to play. With the Wii, this would require the game be broken into carefully into sections so you're not constantly getting up to change discs.

7. No clue, I haven't paid attention to what previous sales were.

8. Mostly fact. 2008 will basically be the point at which the winning console will have the unquestionable lead in almost every aspect. but sales may peak among further holidays as well. There also will likely be a constant struggle back and forth for 2nd place as well.

9. Fiction. HDDVD addon just didn't have enough sales to justify attempting a bluray player, even if bluray is the winning format.

10. Toss up. It would likely have killed a LOT of the hype for the Wii, since anyone who couldn't find a Wii would almost certainly grab a PS3 at that point, as that type of hardware, at that price is an incredible deal. It probably would have already beaten the 360, as the RRoD would have certainly pushed people to the comparable, but cheaper and more reliable PS3 at that point, and with the price hype of the Wii taken out, they would be giving Wii a run for it's money. However, I  think Wii would still have retained the casual market for the fun family games etc. which would be keeping it on the top of the market. Also, hitting a pricepoint of $250 with that type of hardware right off the bat is pretty much impossible.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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