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Forums - Sales Discussion - January 2007vs January 2008 console sales comparison

Avinash_Tyagi said:
KBG29 said:
Looking good for gaming in general. The PS3 will have the best year over year results all year long. Even once it hits the one year in EU date it will still be doubling last year. The US is going to really start eating it up around march. We should start seeing a fair increase over last years US numbers starting their and at points hitting as high as 4x week over week. In Japan they are garanteed to stay well above the clip they were selling at last year. It will never find 7k again. If MGS4 comes out on schedule, in june Sony could match their sumer 07 japan sales in one week. EU being the PS3's strong point right now will only grow stronger thought the year. I see it outselling Wii very soon, as in April.

Unlikely, as Wii has bigger game releases coming out in that period basically until the end of the year you have strong Wii sales, Brawl, Kart, Wii fit, Mario Party, Animal crossing and Kirby and mario baseball will keep Wii sales high in all regions for the rest of the year

Mario Baseball?  The rest i'll give you, though Kirby seems like a stretch. But Mario Baseball?  It'll sell well.  I'll get it... but i'd be surprised if it outsells a professional baseball on the 360.  Well it might due to Japan... but i don't see too much Euro interest.

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Its a bit hard to compare in general. Once April hits, the PS3 will have been out in all countries (12 months prior).

Breaking the Wii down by country doesn't work so well, as its still supply constrained (look at the sales in the US recently for instance).


But the numbers in general can be used I suppose, when looking at shipment figures (etc).

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Am I the only interested in tracking PS2 sales? I find it interesting to tell how interested people are in next gen console vs. last gen. I also find it interesting despite the increase in XBOX 360, the PS2 continues to outsell it.

PS2 JAN 2007 -- 621,049
PS2 JAN 2008 -- 602,830
Increased: -2.93%

Next month will be more interesting. Jan is too close to holiday sales, and wii sales extra constrained from air lifts in December.

Ail said:
 January 2007 January 2008 Increase 
PS3  374321 742374 98.3%
 Xbox360 489880 598027 22%
 Wii 1027680 1319591 28.4%


Of course the PS3 wasn't available in others at the time and the other represents about 40-45% of its market now, still it will be interesting how this evolves once we are 1 year+ past the release date of the PS3 in Others... 



  January 2007 January 2008 Increase
 WII 380,218 404,732 6,44%
 PS3 224,153 225,817 0,74%
 360 265,584 348,540 31,23%



  January 2007 January 2008  Increase
 WII 434,467  470,866 8,37%
 PS3 144,889  173,426 19,69%
 360 43,969 25,763 -41,40%



  January 2007 January 2008 Increase
 WII  212,995  443,993 108,45%
 PS3  0  343,131 -
 360  180,327  223,724 24,06%


prosugno360 said:


  January 2007 January 2008 Increase
PS3 224,153 225,817 0,74%


  January 2007 January 2008 Increase
PS3 0 343,131 -
360 180,327 223,724 24,06%

PS3 problem is shown in America.  Hard to get close to a double or even 60% gain when one region is growing at .74%.

X360 problem is shown in comparison to Jan 2008 PS3 sales.

Why isn't Wii showing up?  Now you 'see' its problem!  ;)

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Around the Network

but in january 07 ps3 were recently launched. We have to take a look at sales in USA in febrary and march 07 to see if january sales were normal sales or high sales because of the launch of the console

I think the only fair comparison here is in the x360 side. No near launch and available in all territories

True, John.

But PS3 was able to jump nearly 20% in Japan, year to year, and nowhere close to that in America. Wii's increases in both Japan and America were nearly the same.

Still, there is a lot of 'settling' going on in the numbers. Like you say, February / March will be of interest as the holiday fluctuations settle out, though moreso for the Wii. PS3 with its Europe+ launch in March, will need until May before we get a good picture of how it will be, year to year overall.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Wow, didn't realize that the PS3 improved that much. But it wasn't released in europe by this time last year.

Predictions for December 31st 2008:
Wii 38,000,000
DS 84,500,000
PS3 17,000,000
PSP 41,000,000
X360 23,000,000