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Forums - Sony Discussion - New EGM Cover: The Revenge of the PS3!

Ooooh, I think thats (maybe) the exclusive preview that Ryan Payton was talking about.

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Nick said:
What is the ps3 taking revenge on exactly?

 A suck filled first year. (That's what the cover says.)

So... I guess it's taking revenge on itself? 

darthdevidem01 said:
A bit fanboyish for a neutral magazine


The naysayers a year ago were saying SONY would leave VG's & PS3 would be discontinued....

1 year later////situtations VERY much different

You have to take in a 'what if' situation all the time with games. Just take in how Galaxy got off to a rough start (not being misleading with this discussion, but listen to me) when it was released in Japan. Sure it didn't start off well, but it progressed slowly, and then did good in the US.

Think of it with MGS4; every game is a gamble when released. There's always a certain fluctuation in a set percentage: the console and its price, the game, hype, fanbase. Sure a Mario game is only released on Nintendo consoles; Metal Gear Solid was on both Nintendo and Sony consoles.

The fanbase for PS3 is quite low, but there IS hype surrounded MGS4 for the PS3, so yes, it'll sell consoles...but PS3's price also comes into account. Plus, wouldn't the current PS3 owners already have the console in preparation for MGS4 (and FFXIII) already? So, MGS4 and FFXIII will sell consoles, but not an excess of extreme amounts. 65%± (more or less, it could be anything) of the current owners of PS3 already bought the system with MGS4 and FFXIII in mind. Same thing with America PS3 owners who bought the system for MGS4, FFXIII and GTAIV in mind. The percentage of the current owners in America could be the same boat as the Japanese owners.

So keep this in mind; everything is a gamble. The Wii was when it was released; games fall in the same boat. Just remember, it's always the product and the company. I'm sure any game could have fantastic sales and everything (PS3/X360/Wii), it's up to one thing--THE CONSUMER.

I can't wait for Sony to kick ass - especially the Wii's in 09. I going to rub it in if it happens. 360 is going down in 08 - wii in 09 - 2010 Ps3 will be King again. Til then Wii fans enjoy your ride :D

Hey anyone know if EGM sells outside of the US? Like Au?

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

They are trying to say that the PS3 finally has some games coming out, and sales are picking up.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Forbes isn't "taking sides" when they feature this oil company or that CEO. With cover stories about Apple under siege or Exxon-Mobil market moves.

EGM isn't taking sides when it says "The revenge of the PS3" as a one year anniversary to this cover.


Nor is it MS biased when it put Halo 3 on the cover 4+ times in the last 18 months.

Nor when it ran a cover story on Zelda or the surprise success of the wii


This may be a little biased :)" width="191" height="246">

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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Cool cover. I guess the gaming community is sticking with this "ps3 is the darkside" mentality.

I've been a die hard EGM fan since issue #3 (only missing 2 issues in 1995 when I was in boot camp), and I must say that as far as magazines go, they are by far, the most fair (IMO). My subscription ran out, but I'll definitely be picking up this issue. I'm getting a PS3 soon, and I could go for some hype to get my "anticipation juices" flowing.

If you read the cover it says
"2007 sucked for the PS3. 2008 will rock."

so what are they actually taking revenge on?

finalsquall said:
I can't wait for Sony to kick ass - especially the Wii's in 09. I going to rub it in if it happens. 360 is going down in 08 - wii in 09 - 2010 Ps3 will be King again. Til then Wii fans enjoy your ride :D

Hey anyone know if EGM sells outside of the US? Like Au?

You have so ruined any credibility you have here. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

darthdevidem01 said:
A bit fanboyish for a neutral magazine


The naysayers a year ago were saying SONY would leave VG's & PS3 would be discontinued....

1 year later////situtations VERY much different

I don't think I once heard someone say PS3 would be discontinued... Generally even if Sony were going to drop out of the race as it were, they'd finish up this generation or at least most of it. I did however hear people say that PS3 probably would not dominate..I was saying it back in 2004 that the PS3 wouldn't take off right out of the gate but would probably end up second to Nintendo, then Revolution. Ironically I also said the same thing about DS vs PSP... and both times got treated like I was utterly insane. Well who's insane now HUH?! Not me!!! bwahahahah! I decided my prediction for this generation about 4 years ago.. and even with MGS and FF13 I'm not changing it.. Wii > PS3 > 360 for the end of this generation.. I might be wrong but what the hell who's always right with predictions? Also just as a note I called PS2 > Xbox > GC even though I hated XB and didn't like PS2..