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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No More Heroes For The 360!! well... originally

kingofwale said:
>It already is like the fastest selling Suda game ever I think.

That's hardly saying much at all, regardless, this game will go down as one of the best game that can't sell.

if I was Suda51, I'd release this on as many console as I can,

Developers can't just decide "Lets make this on X console too!" and start burning disks.  The development time and cost to make it for other platforms would have been a dangerous gamble as 1) Its an unproven franchise 2) The game targets a relatively small market, and 3) The user base for the PS3 may be too small to accomidate sales of this game.

The porting costs could easily offset any profit this game makes on the Wii.

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It is a low budget game (not low quality). I doubt most people who bought PS3/360 are interested in a good game with awful looks. It looks bad on the Wii, would any of you really buy it for the HD consoles? Drop the Wii envy and move on kids.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

DMeisterJ said:
^ In america it may have sold better, as the PS3 has a more "mature" crowd. (As much as I hate to discriminate)

I think mature is the wrong word in this case.  Quite a few adults have purchased Wiis and I would assume that they are far more mature than a great many of the teens/early 20 year olds that seem to make up the majority of the PS3's fanbase.

Whatever the case, the sales numbers speak for themselves.

Ya because killer 7 sold millions of copies on ps2, they really should have made No more heroes for ps3.

I believe that this game is selling a lot better on the Wii than it could on any other console. The biggest reason I believe is that it uses the wiimote. People hear about that, and automatically get interested. If this game controlled with a standard controller, even I probably wouldn't be interested in it, and wouldn't have enjoyed it half as much.

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Now it is on the right console. NMH with a normal controller would not be so great.

100% Coritiba Foot Ball Club!

The use of the Wiimote is what makes this game's combat engaging. Every kill feels as satisfying as the last. It's a really simple fix for the repetitive combat trap that almost all hack and slash games fall into.

And as a side note, kingofwale, I've seen a lot of your posts lately and they tend to have a bit of a dickish tone. Moreso than a typical console partisan. You should try to do something about that.

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck

people need to consider that this game had no advertising what so ever in ubisost underestimated the demand of the game in only shipped 50,000 copies in America so far this game has sold 40,000 copies in 70,000 copies worldwide this alone makes it the best selling suda 51 ever which is amazing sales would of been higher if it were not for ubisoft shipping low amounts of the game ubisoft just plain suck with the wii.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

kingofwale said:
>I mean you did see how No More Heroes sold in Japan right?

Yeah, sold about 600 copies last week, won't make to 40K (currently at 28K) in lifetime.

This game, as awesome as it is, targets COMPLETELY different crowd Wii attracts, there's no reason why it would sell well.

at least on PS360, there is hope.

 This makes absolutely no sense, seeing how crappily Killer7 sold on PS2, when the PS2 had a userbase many times larger than PS3.  

 Honestly where do you even come up with this stuff?