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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If You Could Change One Thing About The Wii

HD Graphics.. not talking about like 1080p pure HD...

Its just the jaggies on Wii sport bowling is really bad

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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No Friend-Codes... I don't neccecairly wanr XBL or PSN type... but just being able to have a name-tag and a friend list...
oh and less minigames collections (but that doesn't have to do with the hardware)

i agree with people so far. i'd pick one of the following:

bigger harddrive (10gb would be all thats needed since it'd be almost 20 times the current amount) or just the ability to hook up an external harddrive

an actual online community like live

the end of friend codes and complete freedom to play whoever you want to online

a headset

many more epic high-budget games (especially rpgs and action games)

and finally if it was a bit more powerful graphically to make a clear distinction between it and last gen then lazy developers wouldn't think ps2 ports without graphical updates or half-decent looking last gen graphics is alright. it would maybe make them realize that pushing the wii's limits graphically is still just as important as it was on every other system ever.

the great thing about all these things is that everyone of them is doable. nintendo give us external hard drive compatibilty, a headset, the ability to play whoever we want online, and an online community where we can communicate with friends and meet new gamers. and 3rd parties just need to move some of their big epic games over to the wii since most of them will make much more money on the wii anyways and also start pushing the wii to its limits. yeah the wii being a bit more powerful can't be done but as long as developers start pushing the graphical capabilities of the wii instead of ignoring them then i'd be fine with that. but the question is will any of these things be done???

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

I would toss out Friends' Codes and add in an XBL-type system with integrated voice chat, cross-game invites, etc.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Make the consoles friend code the universal friend code for all game.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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had to go with wii-ds connectivity too

More 3rd party support earlier(especially RPGs)
Better online
Affordable external hard drive

Better advertising for 3rd party games as well as some Nintendo games as well. There have been a few games that were great and didn't sell well or were even ignored because mnay people didn't know about them or hear much at all of them. Also, there have actually been too many games that have come out in a short time for the Wii. That's a big reason why so many games haven't sold as well as they could have. There is almost too much competetion out there and sadly much of it isn't that good. The average consumer won't know what the better game is. So that's why some great games haven't gotten a chance to shine among other similar but lesser quality games.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

1. i would change the size of a hard drive to about 4gb(you don't need more) or atleast give oportunity to make from sd cards some kind of aditional harddrives from which you could play games and so on.
2. change atitude of 3rd party developers.
3. give more "adult" type of games to the system.

4. some kind of advertisment in which nintendo would show only good games to help people choose the right ones. 

I would've upgraded the ram, processor, and GPU. I'm sure they're making more than enough off of each Wii that they sell at $250, so they could've upgraded these components quite a bit without going in the red. Considering that the GC and N64 were launched at only $200 and sold at a profit, despite having major hardware upgrades over their predecessors, then the Wii must cost well under $200 to manufacture. Why not make it perform a bit better, all the while still making profit? I think they could've made the system half as strong as the 360/ps3, and they could've still sold it at a nice profit at $250.

It seems to me as if Nintendo priced the Wii at what they thought they could get, rather than what it is worth, from a hardware standpoint. I must say that it has really worked out for them.