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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 Countdown 2013 ~ Next Up: Nintendo Direct / 8 hours!


E3 Hype List: Which are you most excited for?

Dark Souls 2 15 3.23%
Retro's New Game 57 12.28%
Super Smash Bros. U/3DS 65 14.01%
Metal Gear Solid V 12 2.59%
Bayonetta 2 14 3.02%
Super Mario Galaxy U 70 15.09%
Deep Down 13 2.80%
Playstation 4 Console 159 34.27%
Dragon Age 3 7 1.51%
Other (specify) 52 11.21%

Okay, here's the new screenshot. Hopefully it's a bit more challenging than the last.


*just a reminder that it's a game that'll be present at E3*


Around the Network
Myak-04 said:

Okay, here's the new screenshot. Hopefully it's a bit more challenging than the last.


*just a reminder that it's a game that'll be present at E3*

Looks like Killzone Shadow fall

IsawYoshi said:
Myak-04 said:

Okay, here's the new screenshot. Hopefully it's a bit more challenging than the last.


*just a reminder that it's a game that'll be present at E3*

Looks like Killzone Shadow fall

XD Argh!! Correct, great job. Here's your cookie ...


Myak-04 said:
IsawYoshi said:
Myak-04 said:

Okay, here's the new screenshot. Hopefully it's a bit more challenging than the last.


*just a reminder that it's a game that'll be present at E3*

Looks like Killzone Shadow fall

XD Argh!! Correct, great job. Here's your cookie ...

Thanks. Although I'm not a big fan of getting cookies with chunks missing. Might be just me and my cookie policy though.

Okay here's my last attempt at a challenging "guess that screenshot" before I call it quits for the night.


*screenshots are of games that'll be present at E3*


Also, IsawYoshi, here's a complete cookie :D .



Around the Network

I can watch Nintendo's and MS's one but Sony's will be too late for me so I'll just watch it later.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

pezus said:

^That is challenging indeed

Edit: Wait, is it Pikmin 3?

Nope :D.


I'll give one hint... it was announced during last years E3.


Myak-04 said:

Okay here's my last attempt at a challenging "guess that screenshot" before I call it quits for the night.


*screenshots are of games that'll be present at E3*


Also, IsawYoshi, here's a complete cookie :D .


Since you gave me a new cookie, I'll try with a new answer. Is it Beyond: Two Souls?

OMG AEST, no need for me to do any conversions =)

IsawYoshi said:
Myak-04 said:

Okay here's my last attempt at a challenging "guess that screenshot" before I call it quits for the night.


*screenshots are of games that'll be present at E3*


Also, IsawYoshi, here's a complete cookie :D .


Since you gave me a new cookie, I'll try with a new answer. Is it Beyond: Two Souls?


:D Yep, you are correct! You deserve a basket of cookies for that .