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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 Countdown 2013 ~ Next Up: Nintendo Direct / 8 hours!


E3 Hype List: Which are you most excited for?

Dark Souls 2 15 3.23%
Retro's New Game 57 12.28%
Super Smash Bros. U/3DS 65 14.01%
Metal Gear Solid V 12 2.59%
Bayonetta 2 14 3.02%
Super Mario Galaxy U 70 15.09%
Deep Down 13 2.80%
Playstation 4 Console 159 34.27%
Dragon Age 3 7 1.51%
Other (specify) 52 11.21%
Myak-04 said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Oh my god I was totally gonna guess Sonic LW but I was too lazy to poooost XD

4 daaaayyys!!!

You fool! You could have gotten delicious cookies!

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miz1q2w3e said:
Myak-04 said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Oh my god I was totally gonna guess Sonic LW but I was too lazy to poooost XD

4 daaaayyys!!!

You fool! You could have gotten delicious cookies!

......... (passes cookie under table ) ......... *whispers* don't tell anyone.


Myak-04 said:

......... (passes cookie under table ) ......... *whispers* don't tell anyone.

oooh thank you! 


ktay95 said:

Shhhhhhhhhhhh... (slides ktay95 a cookie ) .


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 (I know it's not from X, but it's by the same composer, and this song is amazing XD)


Myak-04 said:






3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

Just 3 days to go. Hype Meter. Paddle to the floor. 

Myak-04 said:
ktay95 said:

Shhhhhhhhhhhh... (slides ktay95 a cookie ) .

No offense, just thought it was funny.

Sony are sooo in it to win it this generation.

Don't hate me.
Hate my swag.

You were't there for the ride.
So don't be there when I park.

The PS4 + PC can live in harmony.
The Xbox One can- TV! TV! TV! TV!