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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3/ND 2013 Thread: That's A Wrap! The Wait Begins for E3 2014!


gamrConnect, What Game is Your Game of the Show?

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) 15 14.42%
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U) 4 3.85%
The Legend of Zelda: A Li... 1 0.96%
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (Wii U) 2 1.92%
Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) 24 23.08%
Pokemon X/Y (3DS) 4 3.85%
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) 5 4.81%
Super Smash Bros. (3DS/Wii U) 16 15.38%
X (Wii U) 25 24.04%
Other 2 1.92%
spurgeonryan said:

Meh...Nibble is an amateur, if only they could all see us.


Hey, has anyone seen this?


haven't seen it before

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JEMC said:
miz1q2w3e said:

I'm DIFINITELY hyped for Mario kart U. Mario Kart Wii is one of my most played games ever, but if I had to choose one thing (for the poll) that I wanted to see the most, it would be the next-gen 3D Mario for sure. The only thing to beat that would be a next-gen Zelda haha

I'm hype for Retro because we know nothing about it! I want to know >.< !

My "Bingo"...

(At least I've tried)

I now realize I'm not sure you actually requested it, but I took your bingo board and made you this 

But it took sooooo long that I don't think I can do any more x__x ~~Sorry guys - Lucky JEMC :p

spurgeonryan said:
Is that real?^

haha, no

Around the Network
chriscox1121 said:

They should show that to Kamiya

EDIT: If you haven't seen this

I was going to make a hype pic, but it turned into sort of a Miyamoto tribute pic instead.

My bingo!

Great pics all around

I'm trying to supress my hype level but I can't! Just can't!

Come on Nintendo! I'm ready!