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Forums - Gaming Discussion - More (interesting) Dancing Queen and Skater Boy rumors

kasillas88 said:
As a Ps3 owner I'm kinda worried about these microsoft exclusives. God help us all if Resident Evil becomes a 360 exclusive.

I doubt it.


Soriku said:

If I were you, I'd worry about MGS4, and to a higher extent, FF XIII.

No... just no.

As far as Im concerned, MGS4 and FFXIII are signed and sealed.


I think one of the "multiplatform-gone-360-exclusive" games is Hitman 5... the other still puzzles me. Skaterboy described these multiplat games to be "action adventure".

I got aching feeling that one of the 2 is Hitman 5... Im still considering the possibilities of the other one.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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They are talking about KH4, 360 already got a deal with SE to make that one 360 timed-exclusive

What are you looking at, nerd?

How good is Zune as a games platform? Hardware and controls.

StanGable said:
They are talking about KH4, 360 already got a deal with SE to make that one 360 timed-exclusive

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

The Suda 51 game is a non-issue as it would never sell.

Assuming all of these rumours came true (dubious, but humoring ourselves) it would be EXCELLENT news for the Wii and 360 and horrible for the PS3. To this day I have considered my eventual purchase of a PS3 to be inevitable, however if all these rumours came true that would be called into question. A lot would hang on which games exactly were announced as exclusive.

I have no issue waiting for good exclusives to purchase a PS3 for, I would have an issue if I no longer felt there was anything to wait for.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Does anyone find it weird how the credibility of these rumor people seem to have to most people directly correlates with how good the news is about their particular platform of choice?

I think there is some truth to that, but at the same time, the majority of these rumours, and many from surfergirl, seem to come from advanced knowledge of certain gaming publications, as well as common knowledge. It's like Dodoce was saying, much of whats written above is quite vague, but all of it is entirely plausible.

There does seem to be an ever-increasing number of sources claiming that KH3 will be Wii exclusive. Personally I think such a title would sell very well on Wii, whereas it's impact on the hardcore, wealthy (largely) PS3 userbase would be negligible.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
I think there is some truth to that, but at the same time, the majority of these rumours, and many from surfergirl, seem to come from advanced knowledge of certain gaming publications, as well as common knowledge. It's like Dodoce was saying, much of whats written above is quite vague, but all of it is entirely plausible.

There does seem to be an ever-increasing number of sources claiming that KH3 will be Wii exclusive. Personally I think such a title would sell very well on Wii, whereas it's impact on the hardcore, wealthy (largely) PS3 userbase would be negligible.

Have there been new numbers released on the subject?  When it came to how rich console owners were PS3 came in last place in that NPD survey.  Which granted was a long time ago.

Wii ended up first, which seems odd, until you consider the fact to get one it seems like you either have to have the ability to wait infront of a store early in the morning or buy ebay prices.(or atleast did most of the year.)

(Note that a lot of poor people don't get to vote because they can't afford to take time off to make it to the polls... let alone wait 6 hours infront of a Toys R US.

new rumours:
- Someone told me that the Wii-exclusive Metal Gear title is somehow related to the Game Boy Color's Metal Gear: Ghost Babel.

- Criterion's Black 2 will feature a full compliment of online multiplayer modes (with co-op a possibility), unlike it's predecessor.

- I don't know the current status of the game, but during Rockstar Vancouver's first brainstorming sessions for a follow-up to Bully, one of the ideas they came up with was a very similar title starring a female counterpart to Jimmy Hopkins. They (at least semi-seriously) referred to this game concept as, I kid you not, Tough Cookie.





Soriku said:
makingmusic476 said:
I don't get it. Why does MS keep funding JRPGs if they keep flopping horribly, and aren't selling 360s in Japan? I say just give up, and work on keeping Sony out of NA, and more importantly, Europe.

Look at Eternal Sonata. They completely funded development, yet the game has sold only 200k WW so far, and barely moved consoles in Japan. It was also announced that it will be ported to the ps3. Why fund ES2 for the same exact thing to happen? It's a waste of money.

Of course, it's not like these rumors have any legs to stand on.

Here's my theory...

I think MS has got it clear in their heads that Japanese games WILL NOT sell well on their console. There will be no exclusive Japanese game on the 360 unless MS funds it. That's what MS are doing. But WHY are they doing if they see Japanese games won't sell? Well, don't you think that getting many Japanese games on the 360 could set up a path for the third Xbox? I mean, if the Japanese see MS bringing some popular games on their console, don't you think for the next Xbox there could be more Japanese games on it and not shunned by it like they've done with the 360 because it has many Western (mostly shooters) games?

The whole plan is to set things up for the future. They've shunned Japan with the Xbox, and tryin to gain ground from Sony, and to a larger extent, Nintendo (the Wii, really. I'll get into why not the DS in a second...) for their next system to get more Japnese games on it and for more sales.

Make sense?

You realize right that the only thing MS can do with this goal is fail?  Japan are not multi console owners and no matter how many games Microsoft buy it will never match what either Nintendo or Sony are offering. MS are funding a lot of RPG's from Namco but Namco JRPG's don't sell systems, they are niche, no one is going to buy a 360 to play them. That is the problem Microsoft has. As long as FF, DQ or KH are on other systems the 360 will never get the penetration required. Games like Takes of Versperia, Eternal Sonata etc... don't sell systems, they sell to an already existing userbase. Microsoft lack that (exclusive) game that will attract JRPG gamers in Japan so that the smaller RPG's can sell. It doesn't matter how many ES, TOV type games MS release in Japan because they will all meet the same fate until MS get that big game.

You watch, PS3 has the same problem, every JRPG on the PS3 will bomb until Final Fantasy XIII provides the JRPG userbase for them to sell to. Japan are not going to buy PS3's to play White Knight Chronicles, that game will sell to those who already want the system. Games like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts are system sellers but the rest are not. Microsoft on the other hand don't have much choice because without Japan they are pretty much guaranteed to finish 2nd at best throughout their gaming existance because you cannot finish 1st and not have Japan but they are going about this the wrong way.

Microsoft need to buy a system seller, not niche games to make up a gaming library.


And these rumors indicate that the Microsoft games surprises are unannounced games, so why would everyone jump to MGS4 or FFXIII going 360? That rumor talks about 360 getting exclusives of their own. And I doubt RE5 will ever go 360 exclusive. Surfer Girl said no on her blog when someone asked her and Capcom are being really staunch on their multi platform strategy with their biggest budget games. I think it's more something like Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2, Bioshock 2 etc... that people expect to go multi platform but may not.