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starcraft said:
I think there is some truth to that, but at the same time, the majority of these rumours, and many from surfergirl, seem to come from advanced knowledge of certain gaming publications, as well as common knowledge. It's like Dodoce was saying, much of whats written above is quite vague, but all of it is entirely plausible.

There does seem to be an ever-increasing number of sources claiming that KH3 will be Wii exclusive. Personally I think such a title would sell very well on Wii, whereas it's impact on the hardcore, wealthy (largely) PS3 userbase would be negligible.

Have there been new numbers released on the subject?  When it came to how rich console owners were PS3 came in last place in that NPD survey.  Which granted was a long time ago.

Wii ended up first, which seems odd, until you consider the fact to get one it seems like you either have to have the ability to wait infront of a store early in the morning or buy ebay prices.(or atleast did most of the year.)

(Note that a lot of poor people don't get to vote because they can't afford to take time off to make it to the polls... let alone wait 6 hours infront of a Toys R US.