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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Brawl Dojo updates will continue for another 2 months

On the Dojo site says it will update for another 2 months to reveal everything about the game and will eventually be more like a guide for the game itself, pointless as it may be now that we have the full roster, if there are any little hidden secrets they may be revealed on the site in time.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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I was wondering what was going to happen with the Dojo once the game was actually released...

They should start with this:

Back before Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released, footage of Nintendo Co., Ltd. in Kyoto and SSBB developer Sora in Tokyo playing each other online surfaced. The online aspect of the game looked very smooth with no lags whatsoever. I'm assuming it is smooth. Assume because I haven't been able to clock a single online brawl. Hello Xbox Live circa 2002.

As long as there aren't any more delays.. also, it would be awesome if they would use sales data from VGChartz.

kber81 said:

They should start with this:

Back before Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released, footage of Nintendo Co., Ltd. in Kyoto and SSBB developer Sora in Tokyo playing each other online surfaced. The online aspect of the game looked very smooth with no lags whatsoever. I'm assuming it is smooth. Assume because I haven't been able to clock a single online brawl. Hello Xbox Live circa 2002.

When you make statements like that it always makes me laugh since you're the always calling me a troll. 

 Please stay on topic.  If you really want to discuss make yet another SSBB thread.

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I think they will give the final Europe release date on the site too, but for now it just says sorry for the even longer wait for Europe.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

twesterm said:

When you make statements like that it always makes me laugh since you're the always calling me a troll.

Please stay on topic. If you really want to discuss make yet another SSBB thread.

Troll? Nah... I just don't like your attitude. Badly. It doesn't suit to your face. I've posted this info here because Brawl Dojo is supposed to be a site about everything SSBB related... they should mention this issue.

Also I do know SSBB is sacred for half of this board so probably I would get flamed. You can say I've chicken out to start a new topic.

So...2 months. Approximately 40 updates left. All "hidden" info. I have a feeling we will go through the same routine where Sakurai will introduce Wolf and then another update will be his moves and FS.

It would be cool if on the last day of updates he was like "Oh and by the way, If you push BBABBAA>> then it will unlock Megaman and a Megaman stage."

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kber81 said:
twesterm said:

When you make statements like that it always makes me laugh since you're the always calling me a troll.

Please stay on topic. If you really want to discuss make yet another SSBB thread.

Troll? Nah... I just don't like your attitude. Badly. It doesn't suit to your face. I've posted this info here because Brawl Dojo is supposed to be a site about everything SSBB related... they should mention this issue.

Also I do know SSBB is sacred for half of this board so probably I would get flamed. You can say I've chicken out to start a new topic.

 On a post about brawl updates posting a quote about how the online is bad isn't on topic. Thus its trolling.

Seriously, make a new topic, it'd be far less trollish than that was. 

kber81 said:

Also I do know SSBB is sacred for half of this board so probably I would get flamed. You can say I've chicken out to start a new topic.

 Then I'll start it as I wanted to see what people said when I saw it and just assumed someone would make a thread about it (where's Soriku when you need him).