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Girl Gamer Elite said:
So tell me, who do you think made a bigger profit? Ubisoft off of Assassin's Creed? or Capcom off of RE4?

If I was bitter, my language would be much different. I may be snide and rude here, but I'm also quite confident. :)

You are kidding? Right?..

Confident of what? You are totally off. No... your enlightened thoughts are just a pile of crap. Seriously. Get real.

Wii has 5  third party million sellers. While PS3 has 4... not to mention monster X360 figures.

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Girl Gamer Elite said:

DMeisterJ, for all we know Sony's Gaming Division could still be hemoraging millions. This is their total profits. And with all the factories and assets they've liquidated over the last year you have to ask yourself how much of this is actually profit earned and how much is the offset of the assets Sony liquidated.

How many more assets do you think Sony has left to liquidate to make it look like they're actually making a profit?

Hmm, no, this 113M+ is for the gaming division, not the company as a whole and sony said it was due to severly reduced loss on the PS3 so while the PS3 is still losing money the PS2(HW+SW)+PSP(HW+SW)+PS3(SW) is making enough money to offset it.

 @DMeisterJ: While Uncharted definitely helped I think that the 60M PS2 software helped a lot more as even if they did only $2 on each of them and only broke even on the rest of the gaming division it would be more profit than they actually did.

That said, it is a good thing for Sony and for us gamers as we probably will see a price cut in Q2 for either MGS4 or GTA4.

 Personally I hope that when they go to 45nm Cell they can rework it to make a 2-system-on-a-chip with both Cell and EE+GS so that they could make a model with full HW BC for just a few dollars more than without (so maybe us European can have the option of paying for HW BC).

 @Rocketpig: while Nintendo and MS can use the same die shrink process... to reduce the price of their consoles like Sony di, because they start from a lower price they are less likely to save as much. e.g. if Sony did a 20% cut on the PS3 when it cost an estimated $800 to produce at launch it would cut it by $160. The same 20% off the Wii would cut it by $50. Of course as the production cost of the PS3 gets closer to the production cost of the Wii and 360 further cuts will be smaller and the damage to their market postition this initial cost made will still be here though lessened.

@the new guy who doesn't understand theshipped vs sold issue:

It is a question of point of view, when you bought your PS3 (or 360 or whatever) did you buy it directly from Sony? No, you bought it from Gamestop or Walmart... and they had to buy from Sony a few weeks before (because it takes time for them to come from China) at which time Sony considered it sold, even though you had not bought it yet.

The difference between VGChartz numbers' and Sony's is the number of consoles sitting on store shelves, in warehouses or in transit from where they are produced/stocked by Sony. It is normal for that number to be higher around Christmas because retailers prefer to have too much stock at Christmas than sell out and miss selling it to the Christmas crowd who might not buy before next year. Due to that high level, shipments (i.e. Sony's sales) for next quarter should be smaller as retailers order less so they can sell their extra inventory.

If a company stufs the channel by forcing retailers to buy more units than they normally would (like MS did in 2006) you get a situation where they sell almost nothing the next quarter (like MS in Q1-Q2 CY 2007). 

Now it doesn't mean the VGChartz is not under/overtracked on the PS3 but certainly not by thee whole difference (hell, even the quasi sold out everywhere Wii had a difference of 500k between Nintendo's shipped numbers and VGChartz's sold numbers).

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


RE4 is a million seller for the Wii Kber. Lol. And don't forget RAving Rabids. Maybe you should freshen up your perspective on the Wii's circumstances, lol!

I like what Shams had to say.

"shams says:
At least they *finally* updated those ridiculous PS3 fiscal shipment figures.

9.5m is *still* a challenging number (I think they will still miss them by around 500k-1m), but its a lot closer to being doable / sensible.

I wonder what EA think after their previous "excited by PS3 fiscal forecast" figure...


This qrt is going to be a telling one. PSP / PS2 figures will be down significantly - and if PS3 hardware stays solid, this could push them into the red again.

Regardless - I hope people realised that the games division accounted for around 20% of their revenue (i.e. not much), and less than 10% of their profit for the qrt.

There are a lot bigger things on Sony's mind that just the PS3 (or games division in general). Even if the profit from the games division doubles - it only improves their overall operating revenue by around 6%."

Girl Gamer Elite said:
RE4 is a million seller for the Wii Kber. Lol. And don't forget Guitar Hero III. Maybe you should freshen up your perspective on the Wii's circumstances, lol!


For some reason I overlooked RE4 and Rayman. Ok. You have 5 third party games with sales over 1 million for the Wii.

For PS3/X360 you can find at least 20 million sellers. Once again. Get real.



kber81 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
So tell me, who do you think made a bigger profit? Ubisoft off of Assassin's Creed? or Capcom off of RE4?

If I was bitter, my language would be much different. I may be snide and rude here, but I'm also quite confident. :)

You are kidding? Right?..

Confident of what? You are totally off. No... your enlightened thoughts are just a pile of crap. Seriously. Get real.

Wii has 3 (three) third party million sellers. While PS3 has 4... not to mention monster X360 figures.

Wii has 5 third party 1 million sellers.

Possibly more.

Mario Party for example is developed by Hudson Soft. Who are third party to my knowledge.

This all seems off topic however i hate leaving inaccuracies unfixed

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AH Kber, being a million seller doesn't mean a game on the 360/PS3 made a profit or a significant one.

And a Wii game doesn't need to sell million copies to make a substantial profit.

You just don't get it.

Girl Gamer Elite said:

DMeisterJ, for all we know Sony's Gaming Division could still be hemoraging millions. This is their total profits. And with all the factories and assets they've liquidated over the last year you have to ask yourself how much of this is actually profit earned and how much is the offset of the assets Sony liquidated.

How many more assets do you think Sony has left to liquidate to make it look like they're actually making a profit?

 I believe the liquidated assets are covered in "Cash Flow" section. So no they arn't covering anything up.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
AH Kber, being a million seller doesn't mean a game on the 360/PS3 made a profit or a significant one.

And a Wii game doesn't need to sell million copies to make a substantial profit.

You just don't get it.

Answer my question GGE. Do you really believe it's more profitable to make games for Wii than X360/PS3?

PS3/X360 sell more in every segment you can imagine (+100k, +200k etc.)... also what's your point? Seriously I don't care about cheap minigames which need to sell 10k to break even.

I wonder about only big budget game for the Wii (Red Steel)... only 1 million. Did it break even?

Good news for Sony. I admit to thinking they would post another loss in the gaming division this quarter, but that was right after the price cut to 400 eurodollarpounds. I wasn't taking the massive holiday software sales into account and I didn't know there'd be $227 million in intersegment operating revenue. I'm glad they finally made revisions to the hardware forecasts as well.

I just wanted to know if the expenditure on advertisement which are run for Playstation are also covered under the gaming division..

I m sure these advertisemens run for like over hundreds of million dollars atleast... So under which head these are covered... if they cover it in gaming division then i m sure the manufacturing of the PS3 is in profit now else i think they really r facing losses in manufacturing of PS3