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RE4 is a million seller for the Wii Kber. Lol. And don't forget RAving Rabids. Maybe you should freshen up your perspective on the Wii's circumstances, lol!

I like what Shams had to say.

"shams says:
At least they *finally* updated those ridiculous PS3 fiscal shipment figures.

9.5m is *still* a challenging number (I think they will still miss them by around 500k-1m), but its a lot closer to being doable / sensible.

I wonder what EA think after their previous "excited by PS3 fiscal forecast" figure...


This qrt is going to be a telling one. PSP / PS2 figures will be down significantly - and if PS3 hardware stays solid, this could push them into the red again.

Regardless - I hope people realised that the games division accounted for around 20% of their revenue (i.e. not much), and less than 10% of their profit for the qrt.

There are a lot bigger things on Sony's mind that just the PS3 (or games division in general). Even if the profit from the games division doubles - it only improves their overall operating revenue by around 6%."