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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Otakumegane said:
italo244 said:
A lot of green stuff. I remember before MH4, things wasnt dat green... pehaps people went to preorder MH4 and then preorder another game too? xD

People tend to pre-order in packs. So either when they go to buy a game or pre-order a different game.

I mean at least for me and a couple of others I know. Might as well do it all in 1 go.

And of course it means more people going into the store, as more people are bothered to go to the place and preorder. Maybe on some launch days other games are positively affected too.

Around the Network

Double Vita love plus Atelier & Pikmin today; I have no complaints!

someone cast a spell to summon Boutrus!

Woot Toukiden!!!

Anyways hope neptunia dose give the vita a small boost like over 12k


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Around the Network

Pikmin slowly climbing up. I really hope it has a crack at a 500k Ltd in Japan

I'm really surprised at Toukiden. I thought we'd start to see hunter game overload by this point but maybe it's the opposite. Also, good for Pikmin 3, as it seems to be gathering a bit of steam.

Oh wow, only 36 pts for MH4. Game's gonna bomb, bomb I tell ya.

AA5 and P3 are getting a few pts/day, which is nice, but I want more!

FLOP! 36pts is a huge flop!

PIK MAN!!!!!