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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

MasonADC said:

They are referencing the standard revision with the extra battery life, not the lite. 

zorg1000 said:

They are talking about the better battery model, not the Lite.

Ah, the irrelevant thing that not even Nintendo bothered to market. Got it. Yeah, that's not affecting sales at all, hardware or software.

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Final Fantasy slowly behind to rise

Monster Hunter and persona enjoying a great day

P5R continues to impress. What was the the final day's point total for the PS4 version of the original? Also a solid day for the MHW/Iceborne combo pack as its release draws near.

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Megiddo said:

P5R continues to impress. What was the the final day's point total for the PS4 version of the original? Also a solid day for the MHW/Iceborne combo pack as its release draws near.

339 points.

Edit: Oh, just the PS4 version? 253.

P5 with a good increase increase. AL increased as well. SST moving as expected.

Today at COMG, everyone realized that the only game that matters is Persona 5. Not Pokemon, not Final Fantasy VII, and certainly not Code Vein or Monster Hunter, just Persona 5. Oh, also, it was decided that a game called Cardfight!! Vanguard EX is far more interesting and important than Nintendo and Platinum's new IP Astral Chain.

3 Games with canceled pre-orders, persona saved the day