Astral Chain is really going to bomb in Japan, huh?
My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.
Astral Chain is really going to bomb in Japan, huh?
My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.
Nautilus said: Astral Chain is really going to bomb in Japan, huh? |
Probably- though its another first party title I would bet will do well digitally with the voucher program.
schuelma said:
Probably- though its another first party title I would bet will do well digitally with the voucher program. |
I mean, Im not worried about it.Its one of these games that the west will carry easily.
And honestly?I expect this game to sell at least 2 millions worldwide, and with a good chance to reach 3 million.
My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.
Nautilus said: Astral Chain is really going to bomb in Japan, huh? |
I would be really happy with 100k in japan but that might be a stretch
FF7, AL, and Ryza moving today. Nice.
SST should be moving again this week.
Good day, but surprised to see persona without points
19/20 games in the weekly list are Nintendo platform games. Obon doing work.
Also, c'mon Astral Chain, I know you're down there.
DQ XI S starting to move (+8 from a week ago). Relative to other Switch games, of course.
Following COMG I have learned that Japan does not like cool games and Astral Chain is cool so it will fail there. Hopefully the west will do enough for this game to sell above the million. I already preordered my copy.
Switch Friend Code = 5965 - 4586 - 6484
PSN: alejollorente10
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