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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Kresnik said:
tbone51 said:

Since you want to be rude and miss all my post in the last few days, i guess i wont tell you that Witcher 3 had a 90% sell through Day 1 (ps4) or how its over 174p during its first week, just about tripling its pre orders #s.

I read that in your other thread.  But thanks.

And I hope you were joking with that rude part.  The days when I had the time to read through 354 forum posts are long gone, sadly :(

Im just teasing! :0

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Skullwaker said:
tbone51 said:

An event in tokyo

Do you know when that was taken?

Past weekend! Judging by the next one is this upcoming weekend.

inb4 negative points for Splatoon.

Damn, almost.


Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


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Well, this wasn't worth staying up an extra 5 minutes for.

Oh! Damn.... Well its obvious COMG Ran out of pre orders....... :P

Sorry guys, but after doing 50 preorders of Splatoon I started to think about my life decisions and couldn't go on anymore.

I'm preordering DQVIII 50 times instead.

Days Left

Pikmin 3

Super Mario 3D World

Xenoblade Chronicles X


_______ ______________ _________________ ___________________ _______________
9 54 26 44 72
8 55 29 46 81
7 57 35 48 90
6 59 39 53 96
5 64 43 57 111
4 65 51 61 137
3 67 55 64 139
2 70 59 67  
1 73 66 69  

(FW Sales in Japan: Pikmin 3: 92,720 - SM3DW: 99,588 - XCX: 85,586)

Well that was a buzzkill. Now Splatoon needs 5 points tomorrow and 6 points on its final day (or vice versa) to reach 150. At least Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest had a good day!

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread