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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

BlowoverKing said:
Going off of past Vita/PSP games GE2 is sitting on roughly 55k first week on Vita and 31k on PSP with over 100 days left! I'm sure it's already been asked but what did Burst end at in the pre-order chart? IIRC most PSP games need 2pts to equal 1k sales where Vita is typically 1pt.

COMG players are apparently still on their PSPs, so even as I recall SS didn't pass 50pts and got 100k FW, so GE2 is doing awesome by far.

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pezus said:

Why would it not exist? I'm not debating whether Nintendo or Sony games get more pre-orders per title.

Like I said, a game doesn't need many points to enter the charts. All I'm saying is that there have been more Playstation games on there because more Playstation games are made. At least since the previous thread was created.

You just don't get it.   Doesn't matter if Sony had more games released because as you stated it doesn't take many points to get on the board.

The problem then isn't the number of games released but the lack of prediliction for pre-ordering by Nintendo gamers.  This is evidenced in both the low barrier of entry and the point variance between Nintendo and Sony console games.

For example.  Say Sony got 10 games in development but Nintendo consoles only have 5.   Say the bottom range of COMG points to chart is 4 points.   According to your logic, the only reason that more Nintendo games are not on the chart is because Sony has more games for sale.  But that's not correct because the low barrier of entry means that it doesn't matter how many games you have (the charts are not a function of the volume for a specific console) but how many pre-orders a specific game has.   This is why the point variance makes sense.   If it only take 4 pre-orders to get on the board and Sony fans reach that 4 pre-order barrier, it doesn't matter how many Nintendo games are out there if they don't order any more than 3 from that COMG store.  Yet the game on the Nintendo system will achieve higher sales to point ratio than a Sony title at the same point level.  The reason why is because Sony gamers are more prone to pre-ordering their titles than are Nintendo gamers.

By the way, I'm not suggesting that Sony doesn't get more games released for their consoles but even during times when Nintendo has a far larger share of the total volume of games produced, the charts do not reflect it.

Finally, there is the fact that far mroe Sony games open for pre-orders much earlier than Nintendo console games do.  They can't chart if they aren't up for pre-order.  Right, Pokemon?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

italo244 said:


Btw, God Eater Burst had an awesome boost with the Limited Edition, from 184 points to 228. Someone knows if God Eater 2 have some kind of Limited Edition?

It would be interesting to see PSP points also, wound you mind adding it to your table?

italo244 said:


Btw, God Eater Burst had an awesome boost with the Limited Edition, from 184 points to 228. Someone knows if God Eater 2 have some kind of Limited Edition?

It would be interesting to see PSP points also, wound you mind adding it to your table?

pezus said:

But still fewer games...

3DS had the huge games, but there were fewer 3DS games than PS3+PSP games.

pz boy is right. 3DS has some huge sucess in Japan. Animal Crossing +3mil. How many PS3 games sold this? But PS3 has a huge library, so much bigger than 3DS

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benao87 said:
italo244 said:


Btw, God Eater Burst had an awesome boost with the Limited Edition, from 184 points to 228. Someone knows if God Eater 2 have some kind of Limited Edition?

It would be interesting to see PSP points also, wound you mind adding it to your table?

No problem! :)

the two Gods got 6 points each, the LoH vita is being followed by its brother.
MonHun blows it up with 23pts today !

Seems as though our COMG-munity is about to hit 2'000 posts! Nice job us!

Am I the only one that thinks that the PSV green color for GE2 and SNK looks...different?

(Also, the day Pokemon tretta leaves, Pokemon X/Y enters lol) Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)